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2011年6月8日 星期三

The History of Self Defense

Self defense is such a broad term that the history of it cannot be pinned down in the least. It is safe to say, however, that the broad spectrum of self defense can be considered as having come from the dawn of time even the earliest forms of human had to learn how to protect themselves and teach their strategies to others. From there self defense evolved into less primitive forms and into delineated and disciplined forms, such as with martial arts. There really is a style of defense for everybody whether it be women's self defense, kickboxing, street fighting or even martial arts.

Women's self defense is one of the most popular forms of defense, and it too is a broad term in and of itself. Women's self defense can employ many techniques from several different styles of general defense, including but not limited to martial arts. Women's self defense mainly teaches women how to protect themselves against unwanted attackers and usually employs more evasive maneuvers rather than one-on-one strikes because the theory is that if a woman gets attacked, she is not going to want to fight her attacker face to face, she will need to employ a strategy that will best allow her to remove herself from the situation.

Women's self defense can usually be taught in just a few classes and many local YMCA centers will offer it; it is the perfect solution for women that do not want to take up learning an entire martial art but still want to protect themselves.

Street fighting is another form of self defense that can sometimes be taught in classes, but to its namesake, is more often learned by other s on the street. Similar to the martial art Krav Maga, the sole purpose of street fighting is to bring down the opponent and incapacitate them so they are not able to attack again using any means available. If that means a throw to the ground, then that is what must be used but other times, more desperate or harsh methods must be used.

Unfortunately, street fighting (again, like Krav Maga) is one of the more brutal forms of self defense and it usually doesn't matter if the opponent or attacker is seriously hurt or maimed; in fact, that is the objective most of the time. For this reason, street fighting is not one of the forms of defense that can double as a sport and practiced for fun. It is best to learn it and keep the knowledge tucked away for a time in which it is truly necessary.

It is a good idea for everyone to be schooled in at least one form of self defense. The main philosophy behind defense, regardless of the form, is this: do not hurt the other person unless it is absolutely unavoidable and necessary. Contrary to popular belief, if everyone learned just a little bit of proper self defense, there would be a lot less violence to go around.

James Dunn owns and opperates Martial Arts Tutor Visit Self Defense Lessons for more information about Self Defense or Ninjutsu Lessons to learn about Ninjutsu.

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2011年6月7日 星期二

Women's Self Defense Training - Be Equipped

 Be Equipped: (necessities such as tools or provisions.) Being equipped with the proper personal security and self defense tools whether it is a lethal, or non-lethal, or an alternative self defense tool, can greatly impact your personal security in a positive way. They are an important part of an overall self defense strategy.

Lethal: (Capable of causing death.) Just the definition of a lethal Personal Secuirty and Self Defense tools causes some people to fear, with good reason. When you carry a lethal one there is a great responsibility that inherently comes with it. A lethal tool can be a very effective choice with proper training and practice.

·         Guns, particularly pistols are the most common lethal self defense device.

·         They come in a variety of different calibers and sizes to fit each individuals needs.

·         If you carry it for self defense; that would imply that you would be willing to use it, possible taking another humans life to save your own.

·         You must insure that you get proper training, required permits, store it properly to avoid any accidents,and practice with it regularly.

Non-lethal: Many people choose non-lethal self defense tools for obvious reasons.A non-lethal self defense tools can give you the opportunity to flee from a dangerous situation.

·         Pepper spray is a non-lethal non-toxic aerosol spray used for self defense. The active ingredient in pepper spray is a naturally occurring substance called Oleoresin Capsicum or "OC". Pepper spray comes in dispersal types: Fogger, Stream, and Foam. Pepper spray offers the most bang for the buck of all non-lethal security products.

·         TASERS are non-lethal electroshock devices for self defense purposes only that disrupt the body's neuromuscular systems using electrical currents. They come in three different models; the C2 which is fashionable compact, the ML18 advanced TASER resembles a gun in shape and size, and the X26C that is gun shaped and offers many features.

Alternative: An alternative personal security tool is anything you can find wherever you are. They can be both lethal and non-lethal depending on the self defense tool used, placement and power of the strike on the offender. When it comes down to it you do what you have to in order to flee. Let me give you some examples of possible self defense tools in your car, home, or on your person. Because of liabilities I won't be explaining how to use these items; however the element of surprise is usually on your side with one of these self defense tools.

·         In the Car; ice scrapers, snow brushes, keys, sunglasses, a hard sun glass case, CD or CD case etc.

·         At Home; any aerosol can, a tooth brush, T.V remotes, drinking glasses, kitchen utensils, books, trash cans etc.

·         On your person; would be your wallet, loose change, pen or pencil, cell phone, comb, umbrella etc.

·         This is by no means an exhaustive list when you consider almost anything can be used as an alternative self defense tools. The key to any alternative self defense tools is that they don't appear as self defense tools and give you the element of surprise. By holding correctly, striking with force in the right area they are effective.

In Summary, with any self defense personal security products you should follow the laws and regulations in your area, practice with it and realize the moral and legal responsibilities that you take upon yourself when you carry them. Though it is never guaranteed, these items can give you the upper hand and a chance to flee. In future articles, additional rules will help you maximize your personal security and safety. Remember the best time to learn your lesson about personal security and self defense is before something happens.

Adam Sisterhen is the president of Your Personal Security Store (, self defense instructor, author of personal security and self defense articles and a Rotarian. He is a proud advocate and a firm believer in personal security and self defense training and products that help protect you, your family and your loved ones.

To find the products talked about in this article and a wealth of information check these links below.

For the quality personal security and self defense products visit [] Security to the 90th power!

For insights into products and personal security and self defense visit

2011年6月6日 星期一

Real World Self Defense Training - Are You Learning How To Win?

Are you serious about real-world self-defense training? Are you serious about learning how to win in a real attack against a larger, stronger attacker?

Perhaps you're already enrolled in a martial art or self-defense program. If you are, then I congratulate you on taking a critical step toward doing what most people never do. And that's actually taking responsibility for your own safety and the protection of those whom you care about.

If you haven't already enrolled in either a self-defense martial art, or non martial arts-based self-defense system, then my question is...

...What the hell are you waiting for?!

Remember that the nature of violence is that it's random - that means you don't know where, when, or how it's going to happen - and you don't know what it's going to look like. So, if you're the kind of person who spends most of your time surfing the Internet and filling up your hard drive with video clips, free ebooks, and articles like this one, but haven't yet taken the action necessary to actually have real skill, then reading another article, or watching another video is the last damned thing you need to be doing!

So, for the moment, I'm only going to be speaking to you if you actually have some training under your belt (pun intended!). I'm going to assume that if you're reading from this point on, you actually have some training experience to base your understanding of what I'm about to teach you.

Okay. That being said, I'm going to assume that you're ready for the next lesson. Which begins with me restating the questions...

"Are you engaged in real-world self-defense training?" And...

"Are you really learning how to win against a bigger, stronger, violent attacker who doesn't care about rules, fairness, or you're well-being?"

Be careful here, because ego is going to want to jump to the conclusion that, "Of course you are!" After all, if what you're doing wasn't right, you wouldn't be doing it. At least that's what ego's logic is.

But, the reality is that most students who believe they're enrolled in a self-defense martial art, or those studying one of those so called "ultimate-killer" self-defense courses being sold on the Internet today, are in fact "NOT" learning how to win against an enraged, fully-determined, street attacker.

They are however, learning to be overconfident, deluded, and unprepared.

And the reason for this is simply that they are trying to learn from someone - a martial arts teacher or self-defense instructor - who has absolutely no street experience in handling the kind of violence that you're going to have to deal with in an actual attack situation.

I understand that this is not something you may want hear, let alone believe. But that makes it no less true. In fact, at least 80% of those teaching self-defense or martial arts have no experience in using what they think they know in the real-world.

And, regardless of how much these instructors know, what color or number is behind their belts, or how many trophies they have displayed in their windows, without this real-world self-defense experience, they really can't help you very much at all.

And if you train with them - if you trust them - and if you put your life in their hands...

You're going to be in a situation where it's a case of the blind leading the blind.

But how do you know if what you're learning is designed for real-world self-defense? How do you know if you can trust the techniques, tactics, and strategies that you've been learning to work when you need them the most?

Well, instead of trying to force a point of view, I'm simply going to ask you a few questions that will allow you to determine, for yourself, whether you're on the right track are not. How does that sound?

So, regardless of whether ego wants to believe anything I say or not - regardless of how much ego wants to hold onto what it thinks it already knows, the answers to these questions will determine the truth.

Fair enough?

Self-Defense Program Assessment Questions:

1) Are you forced to conform to a set "style", or does your training leave room for variation, adaptation, and practical application?

2) Are you learning multiple options for handling the same types of attacks? Or is everything based on the same block-punch/kick (or whatever) formula?

3) Are you training to defend against the attacks that are the most common today, where you live; or are you learning to defend yourself against attacks from 13th, 14th, or 16th century Japan, China, or Korea?

4) Have you been taught things like "attacker psychology," "controlling distance," "controlling your attacker's perceptions," and the "effective use of timing, distancing, and angling?" Or, do you spend most of your time practicing step-by-step, mechanical techniques and the official kata of the style you're learning?

5) Does your system of self-defense or martial arts take into account the size and strength difference between you and your potential attacker? Or, are you always matched up based on size, gender, and/or belt color?

6) Are you learning how to use your different emotional states as the hardwired, defensive modes that they are? In other words, are you learning how to defend yourself from the different emotional response states that you might find yourself in when you're actually faced with real danger?

As you can see, my job is not to force you to believe in whatever it is the I'm teaching. My job is to teach you what I know about actually surviving a real-world attack against a bigger, stronger, and more violent attacker. And, later on, against multiple attackers, assailants armed with different weapons, and other advanced subjects.

If what you're already learning is doing that, then keep doing what you're doing. If it isn't, it's my job to suggest some other options.

But either way, you need understand that your safety and self defense is your responsibility. Not mine, or anyone else's.

It's my job to make sure that what I'm teaching you is time-tested and will work against a real attacker, during a real attack - not just in the classroom or dojo. And it's my responsibility to understand that you're placing your trust, and your life, in my hands until you're actually able to do this for yourself. That's all.

The real work is to be done by you. And that includes making sure that you're getting what you need. Because, as I said, your life depends on it.

So again, if you're really serious about learning real-world self-defense and learning how to survive - learning how to win - then you owe it to yourself to be honest when answering the above questions and to take the correct action, regardless of how it feels or what ego thinks. Period!

Effective self defense requires more than just a few "karate moves." It involves the ability to think strategically, and understand how to defend yourself with as little wear-and-tear on you as possible.

If you really want to know what most people don't know about how to master self defense and how to survive a real street attack, read my newest self defense book: "Fight Smarter - Not Harder!" It's available free at:

Jeffrey M. Miller is an internationally-known self defense expert. Each month he teaches literally thousands of students through live seminars, corporate training events, and his online self defense courses, the lessons to be able to survive in Today's often dangerous world.

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2011年6月5日 星期日

Gain Self-Confidence in Pressure Situations

Newish product. Just over 1% conversion rate since 08-29-10. Never had to issue refund thus far. Pays 70%. Ebook gives principles to boost self-confidence and decision-making skills to handle pressure situations. Created by an accomplished writer.

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Buying Self Defense Products

Self defense products are the weapon against attacks and the ultimate security tool because it can save your life. It is for that reason that many people are becoming very aware of the need for their safety and protection using self defense products. These include stun guns, pepper sprays, tasers, personal alarms, and more, which have all become extremely popular since the increase of crime.

These self defense products are utilized by security companies worldwide, law enforcement agencies and the military. Since late 2007, it is reported that more than 11,000 law enforcement agencies use Tasers. Stun guns are considered more effective and is used by most police departments.

Legal in most, but not all, fifty states across America is Pepper spray. Be sure to check your city and state for any current restrictions. The manufacturer of self defense products should provide safety use and quality in the product. After quality and safety have been established, then the next requirement is for the Hazleton Laboratories to test and verify that the product is of high quality and safe to use. There are no shortcuts on quality or safety here.

The police are limited to how many places they can be at one time and at all times, so people are equipping themselves with their own method of self defense to protect themselves and their families. The word is spreading too amongst friends that self defense products should be included in their daily carrying cases, purses, or cars.

Self defense products can be found online where there is a wide variety of selections at the best prices and with low shipping costs. You will also find self defense product websites online that provide additional information on each product to give you an informed decision before you buy. You will see enlarged pictures of each product and a list of the different features of each product.

If you are looking for tasers, pepper sprays, stun guns and maybe an electronic home security system, go online and search for "self defense products," and you will find what you are looking for.

It is apparent that crime is here to stay whether at a large or small scale so that is the first and foremost reason for adequate protection. Secondly, we already established that the police cannot be everywhere when you need them and so you have to provide protection on your own.

Thirdly, the popularity of self defense products cannot be overlooked and it shows how many people are seeing the value of owning self defense products for their safety and protection. Self defense products are not popular because of any trends, but due to the increase of crime and the fact that people feel that their lives are threatened.

These products are become quite respected because they have saved so many lives and could save your life. By just having it in your possession is enough to give you that sense of peace and safety.

Steve Lane is a freelance writer of informational websites on personal self-defense and home security products including high tech surveillance. He is one of the leading writers on home security and personal self defense products in the country.

He started "Self Defense Shop" in 2004 to help people prevent crime in their lives. "Self Defense Shop" is an Internet business specializing in hard to find and unique self-defense and home security products that help people protect themselves, their family, home and business. His website includes self defense products like pepper sprays, stun guns, personal alarms, and self defense training DVD's.

His business is poised to meet the needs of security conscious consumers who want to protect their families, home and business in increasingly dangerous times with growing crime rates.

2011年6月4日 星期六

Self Defense - Starts With You

Self Defense: is the act of defending oneself, one's property or the well-being of another from physical harm.

Legal Term: The claim that an act otherwise criminal was legally justifiable because it was necessary to protect a person or property from the threat or action of another.

The Legal term for self defense protects you if you hurt or kill the person that otherwise would have caused harm to you. When you think self defense you don't think about it that way. Your main goal is to get away and be free from harm or danger.

When should one use self defense? When you feel your life or loved ones life is in danger. You are taught that if possible avoid situations that would put you in harm. You should always park in well lit parking lots, walk on well lit streets, avoid alleys or dark streets if possible, and always be on your guard. If you have the opportunities walk in groups or at least have a buddy. If your company has security I am sure the guard would be obliged to assist you to your car. If you are walking down a street and see someone that may harm you cross to the other side. If you think someone is following you, again cross to the other side. You can also walk into a store or business that is open. You can even cause a scene, be loud, let people know who you are, most attackers will avoid.

When you arrive at your home have your house key ready. If you don't already, have timers put on your outside or porch light. The time that your lights come on should be an hour before you get home or as it gets dark. This allows for nights that you get off early. If you have a city installed street light it should come on at dusk, if not call in a complaint. If you have a cell phone call a friend or loved one and talk to them until you get inside. If you do not want to disturb them pretend you are on the phone. This will make any possible attacker think you are on the phone, this deterring any attack. This will work; maybe not 100 percent of the time, but it is an effective method.

So avoiding the situation and not putting yourself in a vulnerable position or place is the best self defense you can practice. Your intuition, combined with your common sense, can help get you out of trouble.

What if this is not enough? Some situations can not be avoided, and there are many things that can be done to help in your defense. The number one thing is not to rely on movie scenes. The harsh reality is a kick to the groin, a key to the eye ball, a punch to the throat is not an effective self defense move. They can be effective, but only if performed correctly and accurately. If the technique is off and your aim is not accurate, you have really made your assaulter mad. This in return just made him or her more aggressive.

There are many self defense items and tools on the market that can be effective. There are up close self defense weapons. These items are but not limited to, stun guns (for that up close attack or grab). Today's technology has improved the look and performance of stun guns. Now you can find stun guns that look like a flash light. There are stun guns that look like cell phones (for the element of surprise). The favorite of security officers are baton stun guns. These have a safety element that when grabbed below the stun tip still sends a charge to the attacker that will put him down. Many more styles and shapes are on the market today, you can find one to fit your personality or look. (Please check your state or countries laws on these items)

Most people find that if you can deter an assaulter from a distance that would be best. These items are but not limited to mace or pepper sprays. You can find these items surprisingly looking like lipstick, rings, pens, pagers, and even attaching on your key ring. Also you can buy larger containers, but sometimes the surprise can be just as deadly. The range of spray can be from 6 feet up to 25 feet. This type of self defense can be effective and allow you to get away. (Please check you state are country laws on these items)

If you opt for a stun gun, mace, or pepper spray the idea is to allow you to leave the area. The last thing you want to do is stay around and apologize. Once the assaulter is down or crying because his eyes are burning, run away, call the police, and be happy for another day.

The other self defense technique and method is taking a self defense class. Some self defense classes do offer courses for mace, pepper spray, stun guns, and tasers. You can find many self defense classes that can teach you simple moves to more advanced moves. The training is up to you. The more you train and study the more lethal and accurate you will become. The best way, in fact the only way, to prepare you to fight off an attacker is to take a self-defense class. You can take martial arts for self defense, such as karate, tae kwon do, chi kwon do, Chi Soo Te, Capoeira, and the list can go on. These are great for discipline and training, and as well as self defense. The question is how long you want to study before you can defend yourself. There are classes that show you from day one how to fight off a predator. These classes are not long and drawn out, but you can take a series of classes to advance your self defense. When looking for these short to the point classes go to your local YMCA, or call your local police department. If they can not be of help Google "self defense your city and state."

Self Defense starts with you... Don't be a victim, a number, a statistic, or a growing child's memory. Be prepared, be ready, defend yourself.

James Woods

Most of my resources are from experience or training I have been involved in. If there is something that I borrowed from someone else I will indicate it in my article.

2011年6月3日 星期五

Low Self Confidence in Women-Boost Self Esteem

How to skyrocket your self esteem create unshakable and purely unstoppable self confidence unleash your feminine power and launch your relationship into heavenly orbit. Learn the secrets of authentic self esteem transformation.

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2011年6月2日 星期四

Data Locker Pro AES 160GB Encrypted Hard Drive

Data Locker Pro AES 160GB Encrypted Hard DriveThe Data LockerR Secure Drive was created to give you peace of mind in the event that your data is lost or stolen.

Your data is secured by a PIN number which is entered directly on the device itself. No software, drivers, or installation are required. The only way to access the data is by entering your PIN.

Even if the Data Locker is disassembled and the hard drive pulled from its enclosure and put into another device, your data is safe. 100% of your data is encrypted with military grade AES encryption.

FEATURES: Multi-Platform Compatible - Windows 98SE/2000/XP/2003/VISTA - MAC OS X + No Power Supply Required - No Battery Packs Or External Adapters Required - USB Bus Powered Simple and Sleek Design - Sleek anodized aluminum - 5 in. x 3 in. x 0.8 in (L x W x H) , Weighs less than 9 ounces. Plug and Play Auto Detect - No software required. The security is built into the drive. - Automatically detects when the drive is unlocked. - No drivers required For MAC OS X or Windows 2000+ USB 2.0 Interface - Hi-Speed USB 2.0 - Up to 256Mbits/sec. Sustained Read/Write Speeds - 480Mbits/sec. Max Speed Hard Drive Specifications: 2.5" SATA 250GB 5400 RPM, 8MB Cache

Price: $249.99

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Self Defense Krav Maga On-Line

Krav Maga, the best self defense method is finally online! Israeli army face-to-face fighting method against terrorists. Great converting sales page! Lots of materials in the affiliates page: email texts, product review, blog post, pictures and much more!

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2011年6月1日 星期三

Self Improvement: The Top 101 Experts

This EBook(R) Is Best Described As An Encyclopedia Of Self Improvement With Information On 101 Of The Top Experts In The Industry.

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