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2011年6月4日 星期六

Self Defense - Starts With You

Self Defense: is the act of defending oneself, one's property or the well-being of another from physical harm.

Legal Term: The claim that an act otherwise criminal was legally justifiable because it was necessary to protect a person or property from the threat or action of another.

The Legal term for self defense protects you if you hurt or kill the person that otherwise would have caused harm to you. When you think self defense you don't think about it that way. Your main goal is to get away and be free from harm or danger.

When should one use self defense? When you feel your life or loved ones life is in danger. You are taught that if possible avoid situations that would put you in harm. You should always park in well lit parking lots, walk on well lit streets, avoid alleys or dark streets if possible, and always be on your guard. If you have the opportunities walk in groups or at least have a buddy. If your company has security I am sure the guard would be obliged to assist you to your car. If you are walking down a street and see someone that may harm you cross to the other side. If you think someone is following you, again cross to the other side. You can also walk into a store or business that is open. You can even cause a scene, be loud, let people know who you are, most attackers will avoid.

When you arrive at your home have your house key ready. If you don't already, have timers put on your outside or porch light. The time that your lights come on should be an hour before you get home or as it gets dark. This allows for nights that you get off early. If you have a city installed street light it should come on at dusk, if not call in a complaint. If you have a cell phone call a friend or loved one and talk to them until you get inside. If you do not want to disturb them pretend you are on the phone. This will make any possible attacker think you are on the phone, this deterring any attack. This will work; maybe not 100 percent of the time, but it is an effective method.

So avoiding the situation and not putting yourself in a vulnerable position or place is the best self defense you can practice. Your intuition, combined with your common sense, can help get you out of trouble.

What if this is not enough? Some situations can not be avoided, and there are many things that can be done to help in your defense. The number one thing is not to rely on movie scenes. The harsh reality is a kick to the groin, a key to the eye ball, a punch to the throat is not an effective self defense move. They can be effective, but only if performed correctly and accurately. If the technique is off and your aim is not accurate, you have really made your assaulter mad. This in return just made him or her more aggressive.

There are many self defense items and tools on the market that can be effective. There are up close self defense weapons. These items are but not limited to, stun guns (for that up close attack or grab). Today's technology has improved the look and performance of stun guns. Now you can find stun guns that look like a flash light. There are stun guns that look like cell phones (for the element of surprise). The favorite of security officers are baton stun guns. These have a safety element that when grabbed below the stun tip still sends a charge to the attacker that will put him down. Many more styles and shapes are on the market today, you can find one to fit your personality or look. (Please check your state or countries laws on these items)

Most people find that if you can deter an assaulter from a distance that would be best. These items are but not limited to mace or pepper sprays. You can find these items surprisingly looking like lipstick, rings, pens, pagers, and even attaching on your key ring. Also you can buy larger containers, but sometimes the surprise can be just as deadly. The range of spray can be from 6 feet up to 25 feet. This type of self defense can be effective and allow you to get away. (Please check you state are country laws on these items)

If you opt for a stun gun, mace, or pepper spray the idea is to allow you to leave the area. The last thing you want to do is stay around and apologize. Once the assaulter is down or crying because his eyes are burning, run away, call the police, and be happy for another day.

The other self defense technique and method is taking a self defense class. Some self defense classes do offer courses for mace, pepper spray, stun guns, and tasers. You can find many self defense classes that can teach you simple moves to more advanced moves. The training is up to you. The more you train and study the more lethal and accurate you will become. The best way, in fact the only way, to prepare you to fight off an attacker is to take a self-defense class. You can take martial arts for self defense, such as karate, tae kwon do, chi kwon do, Chi Soo Te, Capoeira, and the list can go on. These are great for discipline and training, and as well as self defense. The question is how long you want to study before you can defend yourself. There are classes that show you from day one how to fight off a predator. These classes are not long and drawn out, but you can take a series of classes to advance your self defense. When looking for these short to the point classes go to your local YMCA, or call your local police department. If they can not be of help Google "self defense your city and state."

Self Defense starts with you... Don't be a victim, a number, a statistic, or a growing child's memory. Be prepared, be ready, defend yourself.

James Woods

Most of my resources are from experience or training I have been involved in. If there is something that I borrowed from someone else I will indicate it in my article.

