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2011年2月27日 星期日

Can martial arts and Self Defense training prepare our children in a school shooting?

Topic hits home for all. At one point, our biggest issue has been identified in school bullying. This is unfortunately no longer the case. In recent years, has been increasing school shootings in frequency and in violence. Imagine that, through your every day routine thinking about your next class, upcoming test or the fun with your friends and then all the sudden you are in the middle of a war zone, your world is turned upside down as you try to put your mind around what is happening around you. In the wake of aftermath discussion is always the same and the conversation always leads to two important questions: can this be prevented and how can we deal with it when it occurs? The first solution is always increased police and security on campus. Unfortunately, when this starts to happen, the issues of civil liberty violations and rising costs Fund of ing Add ed security occur. As time passes, the further away from the cruelty, the urgent need for a solution away. At the end of the day is our children left to fend for themselves while they are waiting for the authorities to react.

The school system can only do so much. They can plan for the evacuation and increase points of communication; install cameras in all public areas, but our youth in need of an immediate action plan for eternity, is the time of the first contact and help arrives. Children are our most valuable resource and a little preparation and a little practice goes far. The answers you need to is that they are proved. in battle. All you need to do is, look, what happened to see what will help them. You do not have to be a hero, you only need strategies that will make you a survivor not a victim.

Before continuing, go my thoughts and prayers to the families and friends of those gruesome atrocities. I only hope that the information so that these types of events can be minimized or avoided.

The first place to start is where all good self defense and martial arts training starts: your instincts. If you notice something suspicious or any acting odd Let a familiar. You can only prevent something terrible happens before it ever begins. I nt talk about holding inquisitions, but a small study and ask a few questions can be all it takes to deter some one.

Very next tactic any good martial arts and self defense training program will teach you is to put as much space between you and your threat as possible. Your first instinct should run, if you have the opportunity. If you want to see a person who is armed, leave the scene. If you temporarily trapped or out numbered goes for cover is fine (you will, of course, do this), but you can not give give gunman a chance, so you need to keep moving. Even at close range attacks is almost 10 times more likely to miss you than hit you so make a run it as soon as you can. If your school is planning to deal with an attack, study them and remember several evacuation routes. Some people have suggested staying where you are, this is not good advice, unless you are in room is totally secure and you are isolated from the attacker. Hide in plain sight in unsafe areas or just lying in a compatible position is a big mistake. The vast majority of victims to freeze where they were, hid under tables and desks or just lay down face in a compatible position. Remember that the further away you are from the shooter better off you 're. No matter how fear is the last gross motor skill to leave is the ability to run. Trust your instinct and get as far away as possible. Practice now by telling your children must run at the first sign of problems.

When you can not run, and you can not hide is the only, unfortunately, to fight and keep fighting until you can escape. This is a last resort, but when people around you is done, there is no reasoning. No time for a debate, you must survive and history tells us that when all other options have been exhausted, is your only choice to fight

Martial artists have a number of interesting theories when it comes to armed attackers. As all you will not be able to gen call in a life or death situation. In reality you only need a handful of simple techniques and will to survive (easier said than done). But throw objects like desks, chairs and over powering gunman with sheer numbers will increase your chance exponentially. Now proposes no school administrator ever fighting back, because they are worried of recklessly endangering a child, but this does not mean that you can't train to fight back.

In 1998 at Thurston High School in Springfield Oregon seven students (five of them Scouts) swamped Tilt Kinkel, who had four guns, a knife and over 1000 rounds. The shooter had already injured 25 other students before the injured students Jacob Ryker and several others tackled Kinkel. If you have the presence of mind and you'll get a chance did when they reload just as students by Thurston.

In the case of Virginia Tech be recalled student's watching him reload and continue shooting. By Virginia Tech many students run and other barricaded themselves in class rooms, but it was not enough. Shooter, Cho Sueg-Hui continued on his rampage, until he died 30 and wounded 17 and finally took his own life.

Columbine High School massacre and Platte Canyon High School shooting and the Virginia Tech massacre, is just a few examples of what a frenzied individually is able. We must never forget those who died, but we must look at these situations and put into service place strategies, which will stop these types of attacks from each happening again.

We all have to stop the trend for inaction and denial and plan. The only way to take down these cowards are to prepare through the fundamental practices and mental preparation. It is not about courage; It is a matter of practice and education. With proper training, all you need to think, you just act. When you train in martial arts teach you to perform simple tasks in exceptional situation. You'll discover how to be proactive and seek solutions. Martial arts trains you how to react fear when dealing with your mind.

As a parent, you need to know that there is much to be concerned about, but you can not Let denial fear or keep you from doing everything you need to do to keep your children safe. Take time out and speak with the children and make sure to go over some basic self defense and survival techniques. Also teach them not to be a Bully and respect all around them. Be aware of their peers, and sensitive to things beyond the ordinary. You do not have to suffer all you go to school with, but you must respect them. Having said that, if things are violent regardless of how it really be done it is time to go into survival mode and do whatever is necessary.

Most people believe that martial arts training will give them to defend against any attacks or defeat any attacker. This could not be further from the truth. For these types of survival situations it takes a little common sense, a little preparation and awareness to increase your chances of survival. This type of self defense training take not away from study time or from sports, and education helps you and your children stay safe in and out of school. Don't wait for another tragedy occurs, be ready to survive and protect those around you. Survival is something that is earned through hard work and have the right mindset. The school is a place to learn and have a good time, but when terror strikes you must be ready to fight. Be remembered as a person, who took action and helped other not as yet another victim.

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