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2011年5月31日 星期二

The Ultimate Self Hypnosis Script Book

Containing 6 hypnotic inductions, 15 deepeners and 85 hypnosis scripts all written by clinical hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes this is a must have for any serious hypnotherapist or self hypnosis practitioner!

Check it out!

Basic Self Defense Training - Is It REALLY Needed

Ask your friendly neighbor in his "white picket-fenced" yard and a street-smart hoodlum in the "seedier" part of town this one question...

"Is basic self defense training REALLY needed to defend yourself?"

...and you'll probably get the same emphatic "NO!"...but for different reasons.

Your neighbor is probably living in a shell of imagined security where "nothing bad ever happens" while the street thug is relying on bloodied-knuckle experience as his "martial art"...and doesn't feel he needs basic self defense training.

For the average citizen however, the need for basic self defense should be abundantly obvious if you read crime reports or have ever been involved in a violent confrontation. But according to statistics, the majority of us have no real strategies to protect us in an extremely dangerous situation, because we lack basic self defense skills. Learning even the most basic self defense techniques can immediately give you a superior advantage over the majority of the population when it comes to being able to survive a violent attack.

The good news is that most criminals, bullies, and other obnoxious jerks also lack basic self defense training. Sure, they may know a few moves and have a favorite sucker punch in their bag of tricks, but most bad guys count on your vulnerability, not their own ability, to give them the upper hand.

The tactical advantage gained through basic self defense can instantly transform you from vulnerable to formidable. Regardless of physical size, age, or athletic ability, anyone can learn to protect themselves and their loved ones by practicing and internalizing a few simple and basic self defense concepts. In fact, one hour of training is usually sufficient to impart enough knowledge of basic self defense to increase your ability more than 100 percent, as long as you have a qualified and experienced teacher.

A good instructor will systematically and scientifically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each student, and then provide an appropriate mental, physical, and emotional introduction to basic self defense. Once you begin the process of learning, basic self defense becomes an attitude and lifestyle that continues to grow and evolve, as your expertise increases naturally and progressively.

After all, every black belt on earth earned the rank by first acquiring a foundation of basic self defense. Whatever else they may know depends on that fundamental core.

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Jeff Anderson is President of the International Society of Close Quarter Combatants, a member-based organizaton offering REAL self defense training to its members via...

* Real street fight video instruction

* Online "webinar" broadcasts with the world's TOP fighters and instructors on hardcore self defense topics

* Over $250 in bonus training resources

* And MORE!

To learn how the ISCQC's network of over 30 of the world's top fighters and instructors bring you real self defense video training directly to your computer EACH AND EVERY WEEK and interact with other "average citizens" turned "modern day warriors", visit us at

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2011年5月30日 星期一

Martial Arts & Self-Defense Training - Are You Learning to Defend Against the Right Attacks?

Every day, thousands of people take up the practice of self-defense and, within weeks drop out of those same programs. According to more than one survey of those who've dropped out, the primary reason is the lack of realistic self-defense training.

Lack of realistic self-defense training?

In a self-defense or martial arts program supposedly teaching self-protection skills?

How is this possible?

Maybe, as many instructors would claim, these students aren't in a position to know what is and what isn't viable self-defense training. After all, if they knew anything about street fighting self-defense, they wouldn't be in a class in the first place.

But, regardless of whether or not a student has had any prior training or even experience in having been attacked before, the average person knows what does and doesn't look real when it comes to violence. So, that argument doesn't hold up under scrutiny.

Others would say that these students just didn't give their programs enough time. But, how much is "enough" time, especially when we're training to be able to defend ourselves.

Other studies show that the average person "thinks" about taking martial arts or self-defense for about a year before actually taking action and enrolling in a program. A year!

Now, if these people have been thinking about self-defense at all, we can only assume that something - some concern - sparked their interest. Whether it was a particular news story, a close-call of their own, or just the knowledge that the area where they were living had changed and become more dangerous, the point is that, they felt they "needed" self-defense skills.

So, by the time they actually enroll in the classes, about a year has passed. During this year, at least two things have happened. First, they weren't attacked. A good thing, yes?

But second, they became exposed to the same news that said that they needed to get this part of their lives handled - BEFORE something DID happen. Until, one day, they make the decision to take action and actually enroll into a program.

So now, at this point, they're ready to get down to business. They know, or at least feel, that's it's only a matter of time before the odds shift and they find themselves being the target of some nut or criminal attacker. At this point, they want and need - results.

But, let's not forget that these people bring something else to their training - something more than just their:

wants and needs to be safe

desire to be able to handle themselves

hopes that they can actually do what's being taught

They bring...

...their past knowledge and experience. And they're just like you.

You've seen what real, modern attacks look like. You've probably watched a movie or two that had a fight that looked more like a slug-fest than a martial arts tournament. You might have seen a boxing match in your time, or remember the fights you saw in school, the bar, or wherever.

So, whether or not you've ever been in a fight or been attacked yourself, you know what a real one looks like. You know that a modern-day street thug, or your friend who had fifteen too-many for that matter, isn't going to attack you with a:


crane's beak, or...

tae kwon do kick to the head

Not to say that they won't because, as they say, "anything's possible." But, you know what, possible or not, it's more "probable" that, even if you're assailant knows some martial arts, in his anger he's going to throw a good old right-cross.

The point here is this...

Regardless of what style you're being presented with, you need to make sure that the first lessons you're being taught include defenses against:

hook punches

clothing grabs

body grabs
, and...

wrist grabs

You don't need to start with defending against a tae kwon do kick as a lead off, a karate-style punch from the hip, or a judo-style grab designed to control a 16th century Samurai and prevent him from grabbing his weapons. You need to begin with...

...those techniques that you're most likely to encounter should you be attacked... the 21st century.

And, therein lies the problem - and the reason that people just like you are dropping out of martial arts and self-defense programs so soon after enrolling. They very quickly realize that they're learning an ancient, stylized martial system that has lost touch with the needs of students in Today's world.

This isn't a new problem though. I talk about the same thing happening to the founder of one of the self-defense systems that I inherited from my teacher. In one of my other articles, "All Martial Arts Were Not Created Equal - Exploring The Roots Of The Takagi-Yoshin Ryu of Jutaijutsu," I explain how this same thing was going on in 15th century Japan!

Regardless of whether or not this is a new problem, it is a problem.

But, you don't have to become another statistic - another in a long-line of disappointed, or incorrectly trained students who wrongly believe that what they've learned will actually work in a life-threatening self-defense situation.

If you're going to really be prepared to protect yourself, you must make sure that your martial arts or self-defense program is teaching to defend yourself against the right attacks - the attacks that you're going to have to defend against when you're attacked by a real assailant in today's world.

Jeffrey M. Miller is the founder and master instructor of Warrior Concepts International. A senior teacher in the Japanese warrior art of Ninjutsu, and a former federal police officer, undercover agent, private investigator, and bodyguard, he specializes in teaching the ancient ways of self-protection and personal development lessons in a way that is easily understood and put to use by modern Western students and corporate clients. Through his powerful programs, you will learn proven, time-tested lessons designed to help you create the life you've always dreamed of living, and the skills necessary for protecting that life from anything that might threaten it.

To learn more about real-world self-defense training and other subjects related to the martial arts, self-defense, personal development & self-improvement, visit his website at - For more free tips, strategies, and lessons for making yourself more safe in this often unsafe world, don't forget to subscribe to his powerful and informative online newsletter.

2011年5月29日 星期日

No Nonsense Self Defense - The Best Self Defense Techniques Focus on Surviving, Not "Winning"

Are you serious about developing real-world, no nonsense self defense techniques? Of course you are. You wouldn't be reading this article if you weren't!

But, did you know that the "way" you think about self defense, and where you put your focus, could make the difference between really being a master of the art of self defense...

...and being totally "wrong" if you're ever attacked?

It's true.

I want you to think about something.

And this is important.

So important in fact, that your life and safety depend on you really getting your head wrapped around this critical, life-saving lesson! And that lesson is that...

Fights are won or lost. Attacks are evaded, escaped, or survived.

Do you understand that?

Fights... where both combatants are willing participants in the match, and both are trying to win the same "prize," is very different from a situation where you are the victim of a savage attack and must do everything and anything in your power to not be beaten, broken, or killed!

These are two VERY different situations. And therefore, require two very different approaches to training and preparation for the "event."

If you're serious about learning no nonsense self defense techniques that are designed for real-world, street self defense, then you must understand this critical difference!

Because, and this is my point... will only be prepared for what you train for.

So, if you're training to fight in a competition - a rule-laden match - where there are specific things that you can and cannot do...

...and your goal is to be able to survive a street self defense attack...

...then you may find that you are completely unprepared for what you are most definitely going to face at the hands of an attacker who made damned sure that:

He didn't follow any rules

The fight wasn't "fair"

He had the advantage

He was probably going to get away with it!

Never forget that self defense is about surviving a street attack, and should focus on simple, no frills, no nonsense self defense moves - not belts, trophies, or fame and fortune.

At the end of the day, when you've successfully handled an attack, you will realize that your trophy - the only trophy that counts is going home safely, and remaining in the lives of those who love you, and who look to you for safety and protection!

Effective self defense requires more than just a few "karate moves." It involves the ability to think strategically, and understand how to defend yourself with as little wear-and-tear on you as possible.

If you really want to know what most people don't know about how to master self defense and how to survive a real street attack, read my newest self defense book, "Fight Smarter - Not Harder!" It's available free at:

Jeffrey M. Miller is an internationally-known self defense expert. He is the author of the book, The Science of Self-Defense, and several other books, videos, and training courses on no-nonsense self defense techniques.

2011年5月28日 星期六

AAS-V500 Wireless Home Security Alarm System Kit DIY (R)

AAS-V500 Wireless Home Security Alarm System Kit DIY (R)The AAS Security System provides you and your family the piece of mind that only the most advanced wireless alarm system can provide. The AAS Security System is the most affordable, technologically advanced, sophisticated, yet easy to use and install wireless home or office security systems available today. The wire-free AAS will monitor your property continually whether you are home or away. A full-featured wireless security system that combines the most popular security features in a convenient and economical package. This system offers all the bells & whistles you need to effectively protect your home from burglars.


Click here to buy from Amazon

Using Effective Body Language To De-Escalate A Real-World Self Defense Situation

Are you trying to develop the ability to defend yourself in a real world self defense situation - against a real attacker who wants to do some serious damage to you? Well, you should because statistics show that there is an assault every 17 seconds!

This article focuses on a key ability in an effective self defense plan - one that involves using body language to de-escalate a potentially violent situation. If you are serious about really wanting to learn self defense, and not about becoming the next MMA fight champion, then you need to learn the lesson in this article!

You know... being a master of the martial arts or a self defense expert is very different than being a master or expert in any other endeavor. Do you know what I mean?

What I mean is that, any other master or expert has the luxury of scrapping whatever he or she is doing if it doesn't work out right. They have the ability to take a flawed attempt at something, re-work it, and go at it again.

But, you and I don't have this luxury. Because, in a self defense situation - in a real-world attack coming from a brutal assailant who wants to beat, break or kill you - there is no "do-over." If you don't get it right the first time - you may never get the chance to do anything ever again!

So, it is in your best interest to make sure that your training - your self defense "bag-of-tricks" - has more than just step-by-step self defense techniques in it. You need to make sure that you are skilled at doing those things which, if done right and used on the right types of attackers, can literally stop the attack before it ever gets physical.

And, one of these strategies is the effective use of body language to effect control of your assailant's perceptions, and therefor his or her decision-making.

Here's an example of what I'm "NOT" talking about. And it's best explained by way of a quick story about my own early days in my martial arts and self defense career. Maybe you can relate to this story on a personal level.

One of the first things that I was taught when I first began my training was that I needed to be ready all the time. Okay. Awareness. That makes sense.

Then I was taught to take up this "ready position," which looked like a fight position. You know, hands up - body bladed, legs bent.

Now, I can be a real smart-ass sometimes but I couldn't help thinking, "If I'm supposed to be ready all the time... am I supposed to walk around like this?! It would make it difficult to make friends, to say the least!"

Now, I know that's not what teachers meant. And, this wasn't an isolated incident either. It was taught almost the same way, with the exception of the "stance" details, practically everywhere I went to train.

But, the real clincher was when I was told to face my opponent and say these words...

"I don't want to fight!"

Now, whether or not you know that 55% of human communications is non-verbal - that it's about body language - you can still see the contradiction here, can't you?

Here I am - here you are - standing in a combat stance in front of somebody who's threatening to harm you...

And you say, "I don't want to fight!"


He may hear the words that your uttering. But he can damned well see the message that your body is sending! And, it doesn't say, "I don't want to fight." No. It says...

"Bring it on!"

Which is NOT a self defense mindset!

The point here is that, when you are trying to master the realm of self defense, you need to make sure that your words and your actions match. Hell, that should be the Golden Rule for every part of your life.

If you want to have the greatest chance of controlling and neutralizing a self defense attack, you need to make sure that what your body is saying, matches what you want him to be "hearing."

This goes equally well for attack modes, as it does for defensive ones. If you're trying to de-escalate a situation, then stand in a position or manner that says, "I'm not a threat and I really don't want to fight." You can do this and still be able to pay attention and move if you need to.

Similarly, if you are trying to convey your willingness to give him the worst day of his life if he comes at you, your body language, facial expression, and "presence" should tell him that - without you having to utter a single word.

When you get a handle on controlling your own body language, you will also find that you have greater control and influence over the perceptions, decisions, and actions of those with whom you interact. And, no one is more important, and deserving of your mindful attention...than a violent attacker!

Effective self defense requires more than just a few "karate moves." It involves the ability to think strategically, and understand how to defend yourself with as little wear-and-tear on you as possible.

If you really want to know what most people don't know about how to master self defense and how to survive a real street attack, read my newest self defense book: "Fight Smarter - Not Harder!" It's available free at:

Jeffrey M. Miller SPS, DTI is an internationally-known self defense expert. Each month he teaches literally thousands of students through live seminars, corporate training events, and his online self defense courses, the lessons to be able to survive in Today's often dangerous world. Jeff says, "If you really want to learn how to protect and defend yourself against a violent attacker, then I can show you how to survive any attack - guaranteed!"

2011年5月27日 星期五

The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse

The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic CollapseMy book is a Modern Survival Manual based on first hand experience of the 2001 Economic Collapse in Argentina. In it you will find a variety of subjects that I consider essential if a person wants to be prepared for tougher times: -How to prepare your family, yourself, your home and your vehicle -How to prepare your finances so that you don't suffer what millions in my country went through -How to prepare your supplies for food shortages and power failures -How to correctly fight with a chair, gun, knife, pen or choke with your bare hands if required -Most important, how to reach a good awareness level so that you can avoid having to do all that These are just a few examples of what you will find in this book. It's about Attitude, and being a more capable person and get the politically correct wimp out of your system completely.

Price: $24.95

Click here to buy from Amazon

2011年5月26日 星期四

Street Self-Defense And The Law

Although it is advisable to be prepared with self-defense skills in order to protect yourself, your friends or your family against an unprovoked attack, this doesn't give you the right to go out and use these skills on the street unless it is purely for self-defense reasons.

If you use self-defense strategies for the wrong reasons it is a punishable offence and you could be convicted. It's not a matter of he hit me so I hit him back in self-defense, that's not how the law works. The aim of this article is to give you an understanding of self-defense and the law.

Street Self-Defense - The Retreat

The first thing that the law states is that you should retreat and avoid all means of physical confrontation if you can do. So if you can run and escape then that should be your first option for street self-defense, this shows that you have no intention of being involved in the use of violence.

This may appear to be the obvious thing to do but there are a lot of people who just abuse their self-defense skills and fight for fun, this is what gets them into trouble with the law. If there is nowhere to run, shout out and try attracting some attention from bystanders, this alone can distract your attacker and end the conflict.

We understand that the Retreat isn't always an option but if it is there for the taking then please use it as your first choice. Report the incident to the Police immediately.

Street Self-Defense - The Trap

If you are unable to retreat then you need to implement further self-defense strategies. So if for example you are walking down a dark lane and you are pushed into a corner with nowhere to run and there is nobody else nearby, what do you do? This is what I call The Trap and the retreat isn't an option, it's not possible.

Fear will ignite inside of you; your natural instinct will be to use your self-defense skills to protect yourself. If you are unable to escape and you need to fight to get away, the law permits you to do so by using reasonable force. The problem a lot of victims have at this stage is that if they are winning over their assailant, the pure adrenaline pumping through their body is uncontrollable and they then become the attacker.

As stated in the retreat, you should escape at your first opportunity and not beat your assailant unconscious. The law of street self-defense under these circumstances would be to use reasonable force, but what is reasonable force?

Street Self-Defence - Reasonable Force

There are widespread concerns regarding the interpretation of reasonable force, what is it and how much force can actually be used under the circumstances if street self-defense must be used.

It is without doubt that the court will determine if your actions are acceptable, whether or not you believe that the only way to avoid harm to yourself would be to hurt the attacker. The Jury will decide this by looking at a person's physical characteristics and qualities, size, gender, strength, age etc. They will also take into consideration the circumstances and surroundings at the scene of the attack.

You are not required by law to take unreasonable risks with your own safety, therefore if you can't escape and you feel threatened with your life, then you don't have to wait to strike. If you feel that striking is imminent to protect yourself from harm then you are permitted to do so. However you must act with reasonable force and there are two types:

Deadly Vs. Non-Deadly Force

Deadly force involves protecting yourself with the use of a weapon such as a gun, knife, metal bar, baseball bat etc. This kind of force must be avoided in all circumstances unless your attacker is using it against you, in which case you have the right to respond with the same level of aggression.

This kind of attack will almost definitely result in serious injury or death and in court you will have to prove that your assailant was going to attack you in this manner.

Non-deadly force is a level of force where in street self-defense you will only use methods such as punching, kicking and grappling to protect yourself. However, this must still be controlled and only enough force used to enable you to escape the situation. Once you are free to get away, your safest option is to stop fighting and run. Report the event to the police.


1) Avoid physical confrontation by getting away if possible.

2) If you need to fight then you must take into consideration how much force you need to use to escape, don't abuse your rights to self-Defense.

3) You are allowed to strike first if you are trapped and in fear of your safety.

4) Never use deadly force unless your attacker intends to use it against you.

5) Always report the incident to the local police immediately.

The law may vary between countries and states but these basic guidelines will apply internationally. For your own safety and the safety of your family, I would strongly advise that you prepare yourself with street self-defense strategies to avoid the possibility of a traumatic experience.

About The Author:

Troy Palmer has 25 years experience in Martial Arts, Self Defense and Street Fighting. He has taught men, women and children of various different social status and physical capabilities. He strives on his success to teach others how to fight good and gain the confidence they need to survive today's streets of increasing violence. You can interact with Troy and get stacks of great advice from him at:

2011年5月25日 星期三

Are You Learning The Right Lessons To Protect Yourself? The 3 Realms of Self Defense Training

To most people, self defense is all the same. Even to most instructors offering to teach you how to defend yourself, the implication is that there is only one way to do things. And yet, there are actually 3 very distinct approaches to this type of training and skill development. And, each approach is designed for very specific needs, threats, and even lifestyles.

This article outlines each of these three approaches and gives you a very important perspective on the topic of self defense. After you read every word in this lesson, you'll be better armed to know what you need or, if you are already training, if the training you're getting is right for you and your unique situation.

When I first introduce the idea that there is more than one approach to self defense training, many people think that I'm talking about martial arts "style." They think that I am about to advocate one person's program over another's. And, I guess I could take that route if the only thing I wanted to do was to sell you on the idea of doing things the way I think you should.

And, even though my experience at actually dealing with real-world violence tells me that you must be doing certain things right, it doesn't matter what "style" you practice - as long as you are doing THOSE things have been proven to give you the advantage and help you survive a real attack.

That being said, there are others who think that, when I broach this topic, that I am talking about things like the difference between self defense for men and women's self defense, or groundfighting vs., favoring weapons, etc.

But, what I'm really talking about are the three realms that you may find yourself in when you need self defense techniques to handle violence coming at you. These three realms are really about "why" you need self defense techniques, and to a great degree, what you will be "allowed" to do in your defense, or in the defense of someone else.

Here are the 3 Realms that I'm talking about:

1) Law Enforcement Officer - In this realm, you must be extremely aware of the "use-of-force" doctrine, as-well-as any other departmental policies and legal limitations which serve to restrict your actions. Also, since you "must" stay on the scene, and you can't run away like a civilian, you need to be very skilled at controlling a situation, and or the assailant, until backup arrives.

In addition to physical, hand-to-hand self defense techniques, training in this realm should also include use of verbal and body language skills, personality profiling, and threat assessment training to allow for greater control and de-escalation.

2) Executive Security / Bodyguard - This realm is "exactly opposite" that of the law enforcement officer. The the LEO is required to deal with the violent attacker, the bodyguard wants as little contact with the assailant as possible. The reason for this is that, the longer you are tied up with the aggressor, the longer the principle - the client paying you to protect them - is left unattended and exposed to other danger!

The roll of the bodyguard in a high-profile situation is to pass the attacker off to secondary, uniformed security, and get the principle as far away from that location as possible. Many are surprised to find out that self defense training in this realm also includes topics such as, how to wear a suit or tuxedo properly, etiquette, and even table manners like which fork to use. The reason for these things is to be able to blend in at high-class, social events so that potential attackers can't identify, and therefor "take out" security, before they move in on the real target(s).

3) Civilian / Military Combatant - While the soldier may indeed have limitations and regulations for engaging the enemy, the rule of thumb for hand-to-hand combat in the heat of the moment is...


And this is the same for the private citizen. Because, like the soldier, the private citizen, including the LEOs and bodyguards when they aren't working, may have the law of self defense to adhere to, but... you go about defending yourself isn't generally an issue.

Where the police officer cannot just punch someone in the face and get into a boxing match, or the bodyguard can't just tackle a would be assailant, without either of these two creating more serious problems for themselves... a private citizen, you can punch, kick, grapple, bring a weapon into the fight, etc.

The point here is that you need to know that what you are doing is usable and appropriate for the realm in which you re most likely to need it. So, rather than buy into some guru's "punch-first and end the fight" theory, or enrolling in that mma groundfighting school down the street... need to understand your needs, and the conditions that dictate what kind of self defense techniques you will need when and if you are required to defend yourself against a violent attack!

Effective self defense requires more than just a few "karate moves." It involves the ability to think strategically, and understand how to defend yourself with as little wear-and-tear on you as possible.

If you really want to know what most people don't know about how to master self defense and how to survive a real street attack, read my newest self defense book: "Fight Smarter - Not Harder!" It's available free at:

Jeffrey M. Miller is an internationally-known self defense expert. Each month he teaches literally thousands of students through live seminars, corporate training events, and his online self defense courses, the lessons to be able to survive in Today's often dangerous world.

3 Self-Defense Principles You Must Remember

Regardless of whether you're using a Kubotan self-defense keychain, a handgun, or unarmed tactics, there are certain undeniable concepts and principles - truths if you will - about a self-defense encounter that must be acknowledged and planned for. To overlook or ignore even one of these is to be done at your own risk and peril.

While there are many more principles that I consider to be critical, we'll start with a few of the most basic, and therefore the most important here. Please note that I used the words "basic" and "important" in the same sentence. Often, students (and teachers for that matter) tend to see the basics as "necessary evils to learn in order to get to the really cool stuff." When, in fact, the basics ARE the "cool stuff," and...

...without them, you wouldn't be able to do anything else!

If you're new to the topic of real-world self-defense, burn these principles into your subconscious mind so that you'll never forget them. If you consider yourself to be an old veteran or an advanced student, you might still want to look over them, just to make sure that you're not missing anything important.

Self-Defense Principles to "Live" By

1. You Are Your Own First-Line of Self Defense

Remember that, when the attack happens, more often than not, you will be alone. And, if you are with someone else, then chances are even greater that you are facing multiple attackers.

I talk a lot in my other books and articles, especially in "The Karate-Myth," about the fact that no one else, not even the police, can save you. And that goes for your teacher as-well, regardless of how good he or she is.

You will either be prepared or not when the penny drops. That means that... will be your responsibility to do what you must to survive until help, back-up, or whatever, arrives.

And that goes equally well for those of us who have been trained to know better. Like the story of an off-duty police officer who, having years of training, carried her firearm with her everywhere she went.

Until one day, she went out to lunch with mom and dad.

Since they were just going into a fast-food place for lunch and mom and dad didn't care much for guns, she decided to leave the weapon in her car.

During lunch, a man entered the restaurant and killed several patrons...

...including her parents.

Though she got out with her life, the ONE TIME she needed her training and her weapon...

...her parents died.

Imagine living with that for the rest of your life!

So, if you're going to train yourself with a Kubotan, self-defense keychain, handgun, or any other weapon, make sure that, not only is it WITH you when you need it, that if possible...'s IN your HAND!

2. Keep It Short and Simple

Sport martial artists kill me. Not that they can anymore than anyone else, but what they do, and the way they think, is what leaves me shaking my head in confusion and disbelief.

Anyone who's ever been in a real-world encounter, where they were fighting for life and limb, knows that seconds can feel like an eternity.


In fact, the average self-defense encounter is over in 6 to 10 seconds. Not minutes.

So much for the money-making climactic fight scenes at the end of a movie, huh? Where the hero takes on the arch-villain for 20 minutes or so.

Sorry. Just doesn't work that way.

In fact, you only store enough glycogen (a type of sugar) in your muscles for fight-or-flight work for about 7 to 11 seconds of full-out work. After that, your body must hold out for another 7 to 11 seconds to produce enough of that magic "juice" to go at it again.

The fact that karate tournaments set things up with a two minute time frame on average is proof that things are not geared towards self-defense. Of course, all the rules that are nonexistent on the street help a little too.

If you've ever been attacked, you probably know that it was over long before two minutes were up (if you were counting). Unless you're running and hiding or pulling the school-boy-fight thing where it looks like a boxing match, you can't physically keep going for longer than your muscles have fuel for.

In addition to this, a self-defense situation is NOT the time nor the place to be showing off your way-cool tricky moves. The attacker doesn't care and, quite frankly, that kind of foolishness is just going to make him...

...fight HARDER!

If you want to win - if you want to survive - if you want to wake up tomorrow on THIS side of the grass, you have got to keep your defenses simple and to the point. Do what you have to do to get him to stop - and do it quickly.


3. There's a Difference Between a Fight and a Self-Defense Situation

Again, you have to know why you're there.

Are you trying to prove something?

Do you need to be right?

Are you trying to make a point?

Are you afraid of getting something you don't want or losing something you do?

If you are, then...'re in a fight - you're fighting!

It's not self-defense, although you might be trying to defend yourself while simultaneously trying to inflict your damage on him.

But, a self-defense situation is different. It's very different...

...before the attack even starts.

The Difference Between Fighting and Self-Defense

What is the difference between a fight and a self-defense situation? I mean, both people are attacking the other, right?


...not exactly. And, if you've ever been in either or both, you already know the answer.

Simply stated, a fight has two or more combatants who are willing participants in the foray, they are all there by mutual agreement. They all WANT to be there.

Whereas, in a defensive encounter there may be two or more mutually agreeable participants to the event, but...

...they are all on the SAME side!

In a self-defense situation, at least one of the combatants, the victim - the target of the assault - has NOT chosen to be there.

Do you see the difference?

While a self-defense situation and a fight might APPEAR to be the same thing, they are in reality, very different.

So, get over any thoughts, fears, or aversions to fighting. I don't like to fight either. But...

...I have become very good at fighting skills and dealing with a person who wants to fight or attack me.

There is a big difference.

In Today's world of violence, street crime, spousal and child abuse, and terrorism, it is no longer possible to live in denial. It seems that, every day, more and more people are waking up to the realization that violence in some form has touched either them or someone they know. They end up finding out that...

...self-defense training is no longer a choice - it's a responsibility!

Jeffrey M. Miller is the founder of Warrior Concepts International. He is a highly sought-after trainer, consultant, and expert in the areas of self-defense, workplace violence defensive tactics, and personal protection. He is the author of several books, and videos, including: "The Science of Self-Defense," and the dvd, "Danger Prevention Tactics: Protecting Yourself Like a Pro," and is the co-producer of the self-defense & martial arts podcast called KUDEN. For more information and to download your free self-defense report entitled, "Fight Smarter - Not Harder" visit his web site at:

2011年5月24日 星期二

75% Hot Market Payout! Self Defense, Martial Arts & Survival Training

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2011年5月23日 星期一

First Defense Nasal Screens, 7-Sets

First Defense Nasal Screens, 7-SetsFirst Defense Nasal Screens are a new revolutionary light weight, non inserted, non intrusive, almost non visible, hypo allergenic, self adhesive screen that covers the nasal passage and filters the air we breathe. As certified testing chart shows FDNS can make a significant difference even at sub micron levels of .1μm with 77% efficiencies and over 92% at 1 μm and over 99% at 10 μm.

Price: $9.98

Click here to buy from Amazon

Do You Know What Kind of Self Defense Techniques and Training You Need to Defend Yourself?

One of the biggest mistakes that you can make in learning to defend yourself is to just take someone's word. Regardless of whether the person you're talking to is wearing a black belt around his or her waist, is a 600th degree poo-bah in Tic Tac Toe, or is the creator of the latest, greatest, "kill-'em with one finger" self defense course, you must take responsibility for insuring that you get the kind of self defense techniques that will actually save your you-know-what, when the time comes!

This article sheds some light on one piece of knowledge that you should have so that you can make sure that you're not trying to learn self defense from some guy who just has a few "ideas," but has never really "been there" to prove that his stuff works! I can't guarantee that, after you read this, that you'll be able to spot a "wanna-be" from the real thing, when it comes to self defense experts. But, you will at least know where to begin to insure that your are learning the kind of self defense techniques that will match the types of attacks you are most likely to encounter!

And, before I go into this lesson any further, let's set the record straight that...

Self defense is NOT the same thing as "fighting!"

It's funny but, when I was a cop and I was pulling two guys off each other, every single time both of them would tell me that they were just "defending themselves!" Funny. You both looked like you were fighting. That means that neither of you looked like you were trying to get away from the other!

And, that same mentality is prevalent in the self defense world. Every guru seems to have a "self defense" book, video, or program. And yet, when you look closely at the lessons being taught, what you see are lessons for fighting - for beating someone down - not escaping.

But, if we're talking about self defense, we must include the context in which we are defending ourselves. We must also look at things like why we're being attacked, by whom, and with what kind of attack or weapon.

What I mean is that, to understand and therefor be able to look for the right self defense techniques for you, you need to ask the question, "under what condition or circumstances am I likely to be attacked?"

Here are several types of self defense paradigms. Each one comes with it's own set of needs, strategies, tactics, and purpose. And, these things in and of themselves, determine what "kind" of self defense techniques you need.

1) Self Defense for police officers and armed security personnel.

2) Self Defense for body guards and executive protection specialists.

** The above two types require almost the exact opposite when it comes to training, by the way!

3) Self Defense for the average citizen. (This is subdivided and can be further broken down to include self defense for women, rape defense, and self defense for children)

While there are general principles and concepts that are universal, regardless of which group you are in, the fact remains that if you are really going to learn the types of self defense techniques that you need to be able to defend yourself against "your" most likely attacker, who's throwing his most likely attack... MUST begin by knowing who and what that is BEFORE you even get started!

Effective self defense requires more than just a few "karate moves." It involves the ability to think strategically, and understand how to defend yourself with as little wear-and-tear on you as possible.

If you really want to know what most people don't know about how to master self defense and how to survive a real street attack, read my newest self defense book: "Fight Smarter - Not Harder!" It's available free at:

Jeffrey M. Miller is an internationally-known self defense expert. Each month he teaches literally thousands of students through live seminars, corporate training events, and his online self defense courses, the lessons to be able to survive in Today's often dangerous world.

2011年5月21日 星期六

The Truth About Personal Self Defense Weapons

Sorry I haven't written anything for a while folks, but these days it seems like there's more on my to-do-list then there is time to do them. In fact, my daily travels are what inspired me to sit down and write this letter today.

It seems like everywhere I go these days, I get asked the same questions about self defense weapons. Are they legal? Should I carry one? Do they really work? (And assuming they really do work for self defense)... How do I know which one is really going to work for me?

The truth is, there really is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. It's a personal question, which has a personal answer for each individual. So I'm going to do what I can to help clear some of the fog on this topic, and we'll start with a simple definition for the term "self defense weapon".

Self-defense: The act of defending one's person or interests from harm by the use of physical force or argument.

Weapon: Any instrument or device used to inflict harm on another, either for attack or defense.

So for the purpose of this article, we'll consider a self defense weapon to be any instrument or device used to defend yourself from physical harm or attack... Simple enough.

Personal defense weapons come in many shapes and sizes. In fact, just about anything you use to defend yourself could be considered a self defense weapon. So rather than creating a list of self defense weapons (which is practically endless), I'll just go over some of the concepts that are common for all of these devices.

First let's talk about what a self defense weapon is NOT...

A self defense weapon is NOT an animate object with a mind of its own. In other words, it doesn't think for itself, and it doesn't sit there coiled up, waiting for the opportunity to strike at someone. A self defense weapon is a tool, no more. And being a tool, what it does depends entirely on what you do with it. A weapon can be very useful for keeping you safe. However, you've got to remember a few certain things...


Once you have a weapon, it doesn't mean you're automatically safe. So, don't go walking into a bad section of town, in the middle of the night, carrying a big handful of money. And don't flip off the local gang leader just because you have a weapon in your pocket


And even more important, you need to have confidence in your ability to use it. Just having a weapon doesn't mean it'll be any help at all. This is actually a big problem among the uninformed; Military and law enforcement research confirms that people who lack confidence in a technique or device will not resort to it in a stressful situation.

Many people have been seriously hurt in violent encounters with a personal self defense weapon right in their hand. In the stress of the moment, they didn't think to use it or doubted its' ability to impact the situation. Perhaps they were afraid that it would only make matters worse.

So if you're thinking of carrying a personal self defense weapon, make sure you're prepared to learn how to use it. And practice to become skillful with it. You also need to be prepared to use the device aggressively on a predator, to protect yourself. Never carry a Personal Safety Weapon with the intent to "bluff" your assailant. This is one sure way to have your weapon taken away and used against you. So if you are not prepared to use it decisively, don't carry it!


You've got to keep your eyes open and pay attention, and you need to know how to carry and use your weapon of choice, cause if you don't, you may not get a chance to use it. A gun doesn't help if it's still in its holster, and a pepper spray or a stun gun isn't too useful if it's still in the bottom of your purse or in the kitchen drawer at home when you get attacked. So when you carry a weapon for self defense, make sure you can get to it quickly if the need arises.

People seldom leave their homes thinking, "Gee, I think I'll go out and fend off a mugger, or a rapist today!" What happens to most self defense weapons is the novelty wears off and they're quickly forgotten, then they find their way to the bottom of a purse, the glove box of your car, or the back of a kitchen drawer. They won't do you much good there! So ask yourself, is the device you are considering something practical enough to carry with you all of the time.


Over-inflated claims and quick-fix promises are everywhere in the self-defense business. Many gadget salespeople and wannabe self-defense experts exaggerate the benefits and capabilities of their systems and products.

You need to understand, and acknowledge the limitations of a self defense weapon, and have a back-up plan. Keep in mind that nothing is ever 100% effective all the time. Even a gun is only 99% effective. Sometimes people get shot, but they still don't go down. Yet, I don't know anyone who would say a gun isn't effective.

So knowing that nothing works 100% of the time means no matter what self defense weapon you decide to carry, you should still have a back up plan for defending yourself... just in case


Lots of laws. Starting primarily with laws about guns, the use of guns, carrying a gun, etc. but there are also laws about stun guns, pepper spray, knives, batons, etc. Mostly having to do with when weapons may be used, and under what circumstances.

Do what you can to learn the laws about weapons in your area, but more importantly, use a bit of common sense. Pulling a gun on a guy because he cut you off in traffic is a no-no, and shooting someone in the face with pepper spray because they took the last donut at the meeting is not using good judgment. So when learning to use your self defense weapon, also learn the laws regarding the weapon, and when you can and can't use it legally.

So there you have it, a few basic truths about self defense weapons.

I could go on for another half hour about personal defense weapons, and never run out of things to say, but this article has already passed the one thousand-word mark, so I'll end it here. The bottom line is, if you're going to carry a weapon for self defense, make sure you know how to use it, and are prepared to use if the need arises.

Until next time, Stay safe and stay alive.

Steve / NASP

SA Rubin is the owner of North American Security Products, LLC. A company dedicated to providing you with the means to protect and defend yourself against crime. For more information on Self Defense Weapons visit where you'll find a complete line of self-defense weapons and Personal Security Products

Cold Steel Honey Comb Hairbrush

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Look smart and feel secure anywhere with our personal grooming aid, the Honey Comb. Precision manufactured at great expense, it has the innocuous appearance of a simple hairbrush, but the fully functional brush also acts as a sheath that conceals a highly effective stiletto dagger! The 3 1/2" long dagger has a 1/2" thick cruciform cross section and tapers to a needle like point, while the superbly designed handle is designed to facilitate almost any gripping method. For the ultimate in strength and stiffness, the Honey Comb's cruciform dagger has been precision injection molded from ZytelR a tough, stiff nylon and fiberglass composite that contains no metal and is impervious to the elements.

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2011年5月20日 星期五

The Complete Self-Esteem Program

The Solution To Low Self-Esteem. 7 simply audio self esteem boosters and the highly acclaimed Complete self esteem Workbook. Make low self esteem a thing of the past.

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2011年5月19日 星期四

Unarmed Self Defense - 3 Quick Tips

3 Quick Tips to Unarmed Self Defense

-Total Commitment



Real unarmed self defense means that your life is on the line and you have to attack to survive. There is no back and forth sparing or set kata attacks. You just need to find something to attack to end the threat.

Competition punching and kicking don't work in reality. If you look at any real street fight there isn't 3-12 rounds of back and forth testing your opponent. No there's one person attacking another person.

Putting Trauma Into Another Person Is Everything Here

Here's some quick tips to help you get started. This is not the end all be all of attacks. Just some basic principles to help with your future training. Just take them to enhance your skills, especially with unarmed self defense.

Tip 1: Total Commitment

This means that if you're going to attack. Attack with all you've got. Holding back here, could mean death for you. Put all your body weight behind every strike and follow-through.

Some students ask me about the legality of this type of attacks. Remember your life and those you love are on the line. You need to do this to survive and nothing else. Remember this your unarmed self defense. No weapons.

The time for worrying is gone. It's time to attack to end them. Reality is that you probably will be hit, stabbed, or shot, but none of it helps you. As long as you end the threat first, none of it matters.

Without total commitment you put your life in danger.

Tip 2: Alignment

This means that your body is the correct formation to destroy the threat. Everything is set with each hit, no bouncing off. All that energy is put into stopping that person.

If you look at fighters today, they don't come in as much as they should. I understand that it's to keep a safe distance and this is great in the ring or cage.

Sometimes you see fighters hit and the other guy goes sailing a way. The fighter is in shock and has to run after it.

Don't be that guy! That guy gets mugged by other guys.

Proper alignment with commitment lets you always stay on the action until you choose it's over. Do not give an attacker a second to recover or put a weapon.

So how are you going to know where they're going to be?

Tip 3: Response

The human body moves in predictable ways once trauma is delivered. You know where they are because you put them there. This requires a willing training partner.

Competition is against this type of training. A good partner will help you learn how the body moves due to trauma and not fight with you.

If you don't know how to respond to trauma. Get an unarmed self defense instructor to help you. It will be worth the look. Even some self defense dvds help in this area.

There you go, 3 quick tips to unarmed self defense

-Total Commitment



3 Quick Tips are just the start. If you want more and even to see a free unarmed self defense video-go here:

Drop by for a Free copy of the course and even get a bonus video on the only self defense course I depends My Life on.

3 Annoying Myths in Self Defense

There are a lot of self defense myths and falsehoods out there. Unfortunately, every martial artist has heard are fallen victim to one or more of them. I am no different in this case.

Yet there are three big ones that seem to trick people time and time again. So in hopes of exposing these myths, I am showing you these today.

Annoying Myth #1: There is an Ultimate Self Defense Style/ Course

The forums ring with people claiming this self defense course is the ultimate self defense course or this style is the ultimate self defense style. These people are often cleverly coined forum warriors.

These people are often affiliate marketers of a specific course or just wannabe martial artist, many of which have never been in a serious fight in their lives. No wonder so many of their comments leave people confuse.

In truth, when you want to determine a self defense style, a lot of things come into play. What is you size? How strong are you? What is your style of learning? All these things come into play when you are determining the best method for you.

You also have to look at the school. How well do the students.

Remember, when you are looking for a good self defense school, you do not need to find the very best. That is a life long journey. You just need to find a good school that will show you how to effectively get the job done of defending yourself. Thats all.

Once you get that down, then, only if you choose to, you can begin searching for schools that can advance your techniques because you will know what to look for.

So in a nutshell, instead of searching for the ultimate style, just focus on finding a style that you think works well for you, and a school where the teacher is a good communicator who answers your questions and the students are good fighters.

Annoying Myth #2: You Can Become A Deadly Commando In Just a Few Days With this Take-Home Self Defense Course!

You have probably seen ads for these on the internet or in self defense magazines. Some top secret law enforcement or army guy tells you that they have the ultimate top secret self defense technique that will turn you into an army super soldier in days. Yet when you get them, what you learn does not live up to the hype.

Again, we are not attacking take home self defense courses. There are some very goods ones out there that, when used along with live martial arts training can really help you to improve your overall technique.

However, when a scam artist states that their course can deliver impossible results with very little training, you have to wonder. Our opinion is, when you see these offers, dont get over excited. They may have some very valid tips, but nothing that will make you a one man or woman army.

So, again, martial arts training from a school mixed with take home self defense courses can be very good if you get the right one. But take home self defense courses without proper training from a school can often be incomplete and leave you unprepared for a real life-death situation.

Annoying Myth #3: Your Own Two Hands Are Your Best Self Defense Weapon

This myth is absolutely ridiculous, and makes me angry more than anything. This myth states that there is no better self defense weapon than your own two hands and feet. And to me, there is no sillier of a myth than this.

For those of who self defense dreamers with Champaign wishes and caviar dreams, who think that this empty hand combat is the only way to go, allow me to elaborate...

You are walking down the street when an attacker tells you to get in the car. You tell them, I dont think so, and put up your dukes. The attacker then pulls out a gun. Who will be the victor?

I can almost guarantee you it will not be you.

Now, if you have been specially trained in the art of unarmed combat through the military, law enforcement, and martial arts you're chances are much better than that. However, those people know and understand the importance of using more than just your hands and feet.

Now don't be mistaken, training in any empty hand combat is an excellent idea. It conditions you, and shows you how to effectively defend yourself. However, empty hand combat should only be used as an absolute last defense.

The truth is the most effective self defense weapon you could use is not your hands or feet, or anything else for that matter. The most effective self defense weapon is your brain. In other words, good old fashioned common since.

Think about it for a second. If you had a choice of a way to stop a criminal dead in their tracks, I am sure you could think of about 3 or 4 that might be more effective then just using your bare hands.

For example, you might think of using a taser gun, to stop them dead in their tracks. Or you may want to use a pepper spray to shoot at them for 6 feet away. You could hit them with a stun gun and run like heck or you could pick up a stone or brick and throw it at them.

You see what we mean?

Too many people think that the world is a kung fu movie, when really its not. The real world thugs will not only hurt you, they will kill you and they don't care about your empty hand abilities or not. So you need to do as much as you can to legal stack the odds of survival in your favor.

But what happens if someone takes away my self defense weapon?

Well, there is a possibility that this could happen, but again, by educating yourself on self defense products you can greatly reduce the chance of you being harmed if this happens. For example, did you know that most stun guns have a disable pin that, once removed renders the device inoperable? That means they could never use your stun gun against you.

You may also want to think of the fact that having the advantages of having a self defense weapon on you far, far outweighs the disadvantages of not having anything to defend yourself with.

Think of a self defense weapon as the ultimate diversion. It is a doorway out of a difficult situation, so if you find yourself in a situation where someone is taking you self defense weapon away, don't tussle with them. Throw it at their face. Use it to your leverage and always, always, run as if your life depended on it, because in truth it does.

Nerode Abraham is a martial arts enthusiast, and has done extensive research on the area of self defense weaponry. You can find out more and purchase self defense products including Stun Guns, Taser Guns, and Pepper Spray [] at Nerodes Website.

2011年5月18日 星期三

How To Empower Yourself With Self Defense

Maybe you were bullied in school, or maybe you live in a rough

neighborhood - whatever the case you just want to know how to

defend yourself. Self-defense training is a way to take back

control of your life, rather than cowering when a dangerous

situation arises. Many people will take self-defense courses,

or arm themselves with weapons or other self-defense tools.

No matter which course of action you take, there are some key

things you need to understand about self-defense. Here are a

few things that will help you in evaluating your self-defense


o If you choose a self-defense course, do your research on the

course. Not only should it offer physical techniques for

defense, but it should show you how to handle aggressive

conflicts, being aware of your surroundings, and what you need

to do to be safe. All good courses are a combination of things

to not only help you fend off a physical attack, but to avoid

them if you can.

o Whatever option you choose for self-defense, learn to execute

it properly. If you have a can of pepper spray or a pen knife,

find out everything you can about the application of these

products, what they can do, and maybe most importantly - what

they cannot do. If you are learning verbal avoidance and

awareness, learn as much as you can and apply what you have

learned regularly. The more you make self-defense a part of

your life, the greater the chance of it saving your life when

the time comes.

o Learn several options for self-defense. You may not be able

to get that can of pepper spray or the Taser out of your jacket

or purse, so an alternate strategy is important. It might be

worthwhile for you to take a brief course to learn the awareness

and resolution strategies, and a few close combat physical

techniques, along with carrying a self-defense product.

o If you like the idea of learning a discipline and perfecting

it over time, then marital arts classes might be the right idea

for you. You will be taught several physical techniques for

defense, along with personal discipline and in some classes you

will also learn simple escape techniques.

o Not one method can guarantee success, as each attack is

different. Don't let anyone tell you that they can guarantee

that you will get away from attacker with their system or their

self-defense weapon. This is impossible. No one can ever

predict or re-enact your attack when it happens. Being taught

how to respond is the only thing they can guarantee.

o Realize that any self-defense method, whether it is a weapon,

or physical defense strategy, is meant to merely provide an

opportunity to escape - never to continue engaging with an

attacker. If you are being taught to prolong your defense, or

to make the attacker 'pay' longer than they should, then you

might think twice about that option. The longer you are with

the attacker the more jeopardy you put yourself in, physically

and emotionally.

The options are there: weapons, physical defense such as karate

or other martial arts, and avoidance techniques. Find the right

one for you - one that you are most comfortable with, and stick

with it. Once you learn to defend yourself from attack, you

will feel empowered in the face of danger, rather than shying

away and being taken advantage of by your attackers. Confidence

and peace of mind are a much more enjoyable feeling than fear

and angst any day. Empower yourself with a self-defense option

- you won't regret it.

Visit us for your FREE subscription to the about-self-defense newsletter where you will get great information on various styles, weapons, classes, and self defense books and videos.

Self Defense []

Defend Yourself - How to Choose the Best Self Defense Program For You!

Are you serious about learning effective self defense tactics, techniques, and strategies - skills that will work against today's committed attackers? Then, it's important to know several things "before" you ever start looking for a program, teacher, or school.

Within the realm of self-defense, there are 4 general categories, or defender-types. This means that no one self defense program will be a best fit for all four. This article will help you learn to ask the right questions to be able to find the right self defense program for you.

Unfortunately, the average person decides on a martial art or self defense program more from a sense of convenience, than whether or not the program can provide exactly what the student needs to be safe and survive the kind of attacks that he or she is most likely to encounter.

The truth is that there are 4 general "types" of students who seek out self defense training. And, each student-type, because of his or her background and/or occupation, has very specific needs from a training program.

These student types are:

1) Law enforcement professionals (LEOs)

2) Military personnel

3) Close-personal security (Body guards), and...

4) Everyday citizens

I have personal experience in each of these realms, which means that I can speak about the unique needs of each. This is one of the first requirements, when you are looking for the best self defense program "for YOU" - the instructor's background, knowledge, and qualifications.

It's important to remember that, just because a person wears a black belt, or has some self defense certification... doesn't mean that they can teach you how to defend yourself or keep you out of trouble for doing so.

To better illustrate what I mean, here's a brief outline of the needs and limits for each of the four student-types:

1) Law enforcement professionals - Police officers must be able to deal with a wide variety of situations, but must also be acutely aware of use-of-force doctrine. But the biggest factor is that they cannot back down and must stay and deal with an encounter until they have controlled the situation or until backup arrives.

2) Military professionals - The soldier or professional combatant has but one goal - to survive. In warfare, it is either "the enemy or me." In this context, there is very little that is off-limits, but in today's world of warfare, most combat takes the form of firefights and not being "blown-up" rather than the hand-to-hand variety of a few centuries ago. Still, the modern military combatant must be prepared.

3) Body guards - These professionals operate in a realm almost exactly opposite the LEO. What this means is that he or she has a duty to the protection of the principle - the person paying for protection - not to subduing a potential threat. In this light, the body guard's objective in an encounter is to spend as little time dealing with the threat as possible. If possible, any threat is passed off to secondary or uniformed security so that the agent(s) can evacuate the principle from the area.

4) Private citizens - Like the military combatant, the private citizen has the most options. But, unlike the soldier, the private citizen has to be in compliance with the law of "self defense." This means that as long as you limit your actions to the "minimum necessary to escape or defend against the attack," you're fine. If, however, you continue to kick the guy after he's down, or chase him down so you can "teach him a lesson," then you might find yourself taking his place behind bars!

So, to find the best program for you, you need to have:

Clarity of purpose (i.e. what do you need your training for?) -
Awareness of threat (i.e. what are the most common threats or attacks that you'll need to be able to handle?)
Self Defense restrictions (i.e. what are the laws, limitations, or policies that govern your actions?) When you know the answers to these questions, and take into account the other points that I've outlined, you'll be much better prepared to find the best self defense program for you.

Effective self defense requires more than just a few "karate moves." It involves the ability to think strategically, and understand how to defend yourself with as little wear-and-tear on you as possible.

For more information on what you MUST know to survive a real street attack, read my newest self defense book: "Fight Smarter - Not Harder!" It's available free at:

Jeffrey M. Miller is an internationally-known self defense expert. Each month he teaches literally thousands of indivduals, business managers and employees, LEOs, and others, through live seminars, corporate training events, and his in-demand Self Defense Success Secrets Home Study Courses, how to survive danger in today's often dangerous world. Jeff says, "Regardless of the reason you need self defense training, I can teach you what you need to know to survive any attacker - guaranteed!"

2011年5月17日 星期二

Life Changing Self Hypnosis MP3s By Email

Self Hypnosis Mp3s by Licensed Hypnosis Counselor Richard Blumenthal Via Email. Weight Loss, Diet, Quit Smoking, Restful Sleep, Stop Drinking Alcohol, Student Success, Great Golf, Flying, Fitness, Pain Control, Memory, ... over 40 Titles.

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2011年5月16日 星期一

Vision Self-Healing Self-Help

Improve eyesight and vision health through eye exercises based on The Bates Method--digests, extracts, and summaries of books on vision improvement. With more than 30 illustrations and many eye exercises, the blueprint is easy to follow and practice.

Check it out!

2011年5月15日 星期日

Ultimate Collection Of Self Improvement eBooks - 19 Sites To Promote!

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2011年5月14日 星期六

Suicaine Gratifaction

Suicaine GratifactionFew artists have been so revered and so lambasted simultaneously as Paul Westerberg. That's what happens when you front one of the greatest rock bands of the '80s (the punkish, youthfully disillusioned Replacements) and then can't reach such lofty heights again. Finally, with Suicaine Gratifaction, Westerberg stops trying to be that renegade rocker. Instead, his third solo effort is practically adult-sounding, a mostly somber collection of sweetly ragged folk and rock (often piano-based) that reveals the 38-year-old songsmith more comfortable in his own artistic skin than maybe anytime previously. Thankfully not too comfortable, for Westerberg is wondrous when sounding wounded and worn, which is often the case on this demon-confronting effort. The mostly solid Suicaine Gratifaction is maybe his best effort in a dozen years. --Neal Weiss

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2011年5月13日 星期五

Basic Self Defense Explained in 5 Easy Steps!

Basic self defense:

Within this article I would like to share basic self defense knowledge and give you the skills necessary to stay alive and protect yourself and beat down your attacker with the following tips and advice on self defense and the basic things you need to know:

Basic self defense #1 - If you are a smaller or weaker person you will want to incorporate eye gouges instead of punches into your counter attacks. Different self defense styles including military arts and krav maga incorporate this move extensively and I also recommend it!

Basic self defense #2 - You should be training in a style of martial arts that you can incorporate easily with the self defense training you already have. You want to be able to use and blend styles of combat and fighting into your over all arsenal of martial arts techniques. You want to use moves that are easy to remember and use in stressful conditions.

Basic self defense #3 - So what are some decent styles of martial arts? I recommend full contact karate, judo, kung fu, ninjutsu, jeetkunedo concepts including Philippine fighting styles! You want to have a full range of martial arts training under your belt to incorporate into your reality based basic self defense training.

Basic self defense #4 - You should constantly be active and stay healthy keeping your weight to a healthy level and keeping your body healthy is essential to survive in a martial arts tournament or on the streets in the heat of battle if you get attacked by two thugs.

Basic self defense #5 - Another more passive aspect of martial arts styles is staying passive and avoiding trouble. Just because you have a range of skills and techniques to destroy someone doesn't mean you should be involved in silly battles based on ego.

Those five basic self defense rules can help make you a better martial artist and give you the skills to beat down a bad guy if you need too!

Another thing I recommend is that you download my 2 free self defense PDF combat reports! Inside I share my battle tested, prison based fighting techniques in two easy to read and master guides you can download and read right now free!

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2011年5月12日 星期四

Self-Defense - The Role of Your Emotions in Effectively Surviving a Brutal Self-Defense Attack

Most self-defense and martial arts classes avoid the emotions altogether. Others limit their focus on a gross over-simplification of emotional states during a self-defense situation. But, aside from being frightened or angry, what role do your emotions play in dealing with a potentially deadly situation?

Did you ever consider that?

Aside from being responses to the moment-to-moment occurrences as we move through our days, what role do your emotions play. For most people, it's kind of like your blood type. Apart from knowing what it is so we don't end up with the wrong one if we need it, it and the emotions are just things that we "have" and have no control over.

In reality, the emotions are actually tied to our body's own natural, human, defense system. It's true. Your body is already hard-wired for self-defense by design.

The thing is that, our sophisticated brains, socialization, and cultural, academic, and familial education has virtually made us completely unaware that we have these abilities and functions.

So, what's the function of your emotions, and how can they be used for self-defense? Excellent question.

It's not the focus of this article to explain all of the inner workings of your human brain. Let's just start with some very simple responses to stimuli from the world around us.

You see, everything that we're exposed to, invokes a feeling, or response at a base, primitive level. This happens without us being conscious of it, and also happens below the level of what we normally call our emotions.

These base "feelings" or responses can be generally classified as feelings of:

Attraction - we like it

Aversion - we don't like it, or...

Apathy - it doesn't cause us to move either way

Don't confuse these simple feelings with higher, more complex emotional moods like:

, and...


The ones I'm talking about are much simpler and tied not to the higher brain functions, but actually come out of our lower "reptilian" brain - also known as the R-complex - the section of your brain that is primarily concerned with self-preservation activities like eating, procreating, and not-dying.

"Why," you may ask, "do I want to know all this scientific mumbo-jumbo? All I want to do is pick up some moves to protect myself?"

And I would answer, "you don't have to learn anything."

Not if you just want to learn your "moves" and then hope that you'll be able to use them in a real street self-defense situation.

Remember. When you're training in a martial arts or self-defense class, you're probably pumped up, happy, having a good time. Am I right?

Looking at the base feelings I described before, that would put you in "attraction" mode, where you like what you're doing and want more of it. The activity - the training - it feels good and, while perhaps difficult at times, probably not very threatening or dangerous at all.

Now, whether or not you've ever been in a real fight, or ever been attacked by an enraged individual out for blood, I'm sure you can imagine what that must be like. You can almost see his eyes and the intense look on his face. Add to that, the intensity and intention he's projecting and the smell of him - we can't forget that smell and feel of him as he invades your personal space.

Are you still in "attraction" mode? I bet not. And you're not even in the real situation. I'm just describing it and you're having an "aversion" response.

How do you think you're going to feel actually being in the heat of the moment?

You got it. Very different than in class or your own personal training sessions where there is no real danger.

If you understand the role and immense value that your emotions play in keeping you safe. And, if you learn about what role they play in spearheading your body's natural defense mechanisms, then you can also train to tap into their power and use them as tools for your own defense.

Having this knowledge will help you to tailor and adjust your actual training methods to accommodate, acknowledge, and utilize your emotions as the valuable aids they are.

Remember, any monkey can learn the moves, but a real expert - a true master - uses things that most individuals don't even know about, or don't know exist. So, do you have to study and use your emotions in your self-defense training? No.

But then, you don't "have" to breath either. But I'd highly recommend it!

Are you a private individual, police or security professional, member of the military, or company manager looking for real self-defense training that works?

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Jeffrey Miller is an internationally recognized self-defense expert. He is the creator of the unique EDR: Non-Martial Arts Defensive Training System and teaches individuals, security professionals, companies, and organizations how to be more safe in Today's often unsafe world. Visit his web site at =>

2011年5月11日 星期三

The Best Basic Self Defense Moves For Men and Women

You can learn to make the most of your physical abilities in a fast, fun and safe scientific approach to self defense moves. No course can promise to instantly transform you into a walking weapon of destruction that will defeat all odds. However, "WITs (Whatever It Takes)" by Bill Valentine, Phd, 5th Degree Black Belt, and Becky Valentine, MS, Physical Educator, can safely teach you to "Beat the Odds" using basic motor movements you already know and a proven system of learning self defense moves in the least amount of time. This is a course in how to create pain fast using motor movements and skills that you developed before two or two and a half years of age!

Learning to transfer these basic developmental motor skills from your childhood into effective strikes can change the outcome of an attack. One technique can make the critical difference in a sexual assault in most instances. The means to transfer these basic motor movements, such as the ability to walk up a flight of stairs into learning how to kick with your knee is the purpose of the self defense training you can expect from Bill and Becky Valentine. What is the difference between Self Defense Training verses Martial Arts/ Karate type training?

Martial Arts is seen as a discipline where training corrects, mold and perfects techniques. With martial arts you are concerned with perfection of movement, and the arts maintains strict control gained through obedience and training. Self Defense Training is a system designed to utilize our body parts as weapons to create pain for survival purposes. Self defense is only concern with effective movement and has no controls, rules or orderly conduct to follow. The Self Defense mantra is "Anything Goes"! When I work with PE Teachers on the Self Defense for Life School programs for 7th and 10th graders, I tell them that anything that a person could do that would disqualify someone in any organize sport qualifies in Self Defense. What a fun thought. Here are some of the reasons, and reality, for wanting to develop a self defense attitude.

How many of us can relate to having held a child and suddenly were struck in the face by the baby's head. Ouch! Yes, the unintentional head butt probably affected you more than it did the baby. Developmentally, muscular control begins basically from the head downward: first the neck and head, than the upper body and arms, lower trunk and legs. Next time you get an opportunity to hold a baby remember that from birth to about six months of age is necessary for head and neck be careful. A willful head butt from an adult can be devastating to an attacker. Learning safe ways to use your skull as a weapon is not always instinctive, so I have dedicated several pages of suggestions on how to turn this very basic motor skill into a destructive weapon. How much practice do you really need to repeat something you did as an infant? Need more convincing.

Have you ever been struck accidentally with an elbow? Perhaps you were involved in a sport at the time. It's a painful experience for us, but not usually for the person whose elbow we connected with. You can strike with your elbows from lots of directions; standing, sitting or on your back, however there are a few basic things that you need to know so that you can spirit your elbow to intentionally cause someone more pain. A point most self defense instructors miss is the reality concept that everyone should realize, expect to take a hit. Real life is not a motion picture fantasy where only the bad guy gets hurt. I want your mental mindset to be prepared for some form of contact in a self defense situation. Lastly, find a friend to have as a self defense partner.

Find a good training partner for self defense training at home. You need a willing partner to practice the basic self defense techniques and moves in a cooperative atmosphere of mutual fun and support. Partner drills are noncompetitive. A good training partner will make a huge difference in how fast and effective you can be with your personal learning. Speed is not necessary to lock in the motor movements (the actual self defense techniques) into your memory. There is no element of surprise in Partner Drills, and that is why the reaction of the partner should only be at half speed. Partner Drills are designed to help teach you about distance, timing, balance and coordination, all of which is a valuable part of the learning process.

Learning the best basic self defense moves that are founded on the motor skills we developed by two years of age is a practical and direct approach that anyone can benefit from. Athletic ability, speed, strength, and physical conditioning are not an important part of the system, so virtually everyone with a desire to learn can participate and benefit using the "WITs (Whatever It Takes)" program. Bill Valentine, PhD,(Psych), 5th Degree Black Belt, wrestled in college, studied Judo and Jiu Jitsu in the Phillippines while in the service,and trained in Korean style karate. While attending graduate school in the mid-70's, Bill taught karate part time. Realizing the difficulty in teaching karate as a form of self-defense, he began to apply practical skills that were easy to learn when confronted with physical encounters. Bill and his sister Becky, a physical educator, felt that an easier self defense class was needed to learn. They decided to combine their experiences to craft a program that would be both practical and effective. Permission is granted to reprint & repost this article provided the resource box and all links remain intact.