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2011年5月11日 星期三

The Best Basic Self Defense Moves For Men and Women

You can learn to make the most of your physical abilities in a fast, fun and safe scientific approach to self defense moves. No course can promise to instantly transform you into a walking weapon of destruction that will defeat all odds. However, "WITs (Whatever It Takes)" by Bill Valentine, Phd, 5th Degree Black Belt, and Becky Valentine, MS, Physical Educator, can safely teach you to "Beat the Odds" using basic motor movements you already know and a proven system of learning self defense moves in the least amount of time. This is a course in how to create pain fast using motor movements and skills that you developed before two or two and a half years of age!

Learning to transfer these basic developmental motor skills from your childhood into effective strikes can change the outcome of an attack. One technique can make the critical difference in a sexual assault in most instances. The means to transfer these basic motor movements, such as the ability to walk up a flight of stairs into learning how to kick with your knee is the purpose of the self defense training you can expect from Bill and Becky Valentine. What is the difference between Self Defense Training verses Martial Arts/ Karate type training?

Martial Arts is seen as a discipline where training corrects, mold and perfects techniques. With martial arts you are concerned with perfection of movement, and the arts maintains strict control gained through obedience and training. Self Defense Training is a system designed to utilize our body parts as weapons to create pain for survival purposes. Self defense is only concern with effective movement and has no controls, rules or orderly conduct to follow. The Self Defense mantra is "Anything Goes"! When I work with PE Teachers on the Self Defense for Life School programs for 7th and 10th graders, I tell them that anything that a person could do that would disqualify someone in any organize sport qualifies in Self Defense. What a fun thought. Here are some of the reasons, and reality, for wanting to develop a self defense attitude.

How many of us can relate to having held a child and suddenly were struck in the face by the baby's head. Ouch! Yes, the unintentional head butt probably affected you more than it did the baby. Developmentally, muscular control begins basically from the head downward: first the neck and head, than the upper body and arms, lower trunk and legs. Next time you get an opportunity to hold a baby remember that from birth to about six months of age is necessary for head and neck be careful. A willful head butt from an adult can be devastating to an attacker. Learning safe ways to use your skull as a weapon is not always instinctive, so I have dedicated several pages of suggestions on how to turn this very basic motor skill into a destructive weapon. How much practice do you really need to repeat something you did as an infant? Need more convincing.

Have you ever been struck accidentally with an elbow? Perhaps you were involved in a sport at the time. It's a painful experience for us, but not usually for the person whose elbow we connected with. You can strike with your elbows from lots of directions; standing, sitting or on your back, however there are a few basic things that you need to know so that you can spirit your elbow to intentionally cause someone more pain. A point most self defense instructors miss is the reality concept that everyone should realize, expect to take a hit. Real life is not a motion picture fantasy where only the bad guy gets hurt. I want your mental mindset to be prepared for some form of contact in a self defense situation. Lastly, find a friend to have as a self defense partner.

Find a good training partner for self defense training at home. You need a willing partner to practice the basic self defense techniques and moves in a cooperative atmosphere of mutual fun and support. Partner drills are noncompetitive. A good training partner will make a huge difference in how fast and effective you can be with your personal learning. Speed is not necessary to lock in the motor movements (the actual self defense techniques) into your memory. There is no element of surprise in Partner Drills, and that is why the reaction of the partner should only be at half speed. Partner Drills are designed to help teach you about distance, timing, balance and coordination, all of which is a valuable part of the learning process.

Learning the best basic self defense moves that are founded on the motor skills we developed by two years of age is a practical and direct approach that anyone can benefit from. Athletic ability, speed, strength, and physical conditioning are not an important part of the system, so virtually everyone with a desire to learn can participate and benefit using the "WITs (Whatever It Takes)" program. Bill Valentine, PhD,(Psych), 5th Degree Black Belt, wrestled in college, studied Judo and Jiu Jitsu in the Phillippines while in the service,and trained in Korean style karate. While attending graduate school in the mid-70's, Bill taught karate part time. Realizing the difficulty in teaching karate as a form of self-defense, he began to apply practical skills that were easy to learn when confronted with physical encounters. Bill and his sister Becky, a physical educator, felt that an easier self defense class was needed to learn. They decided to combine their experiences to craft a program that would be both practical and effective. Permission is granted to reprint & repost this article provided the resource box and all links remain intact.

