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2011年5月29日 星期日

No Nonsense Self Defense - The Best Self Defense Techniques Focus on Surviving, Not "Winning"

Are you serious about developing real-world, no nonsense self defense techniques? Of course you are. You wouldn't be reading this article if you weren't!

But, did you know that the "way" you think about self defense, and where you put your focus, could make the difference between really being a master of the art of self defense...

...and being totally "wrong" if you're ever attacked?

It's true.

I want you to think about something.

And this is important.

So important in fact, that your life and safety depend on you really getting your head wrapped around this critical, life-saving lesson! And that lesson is that...

Fights are won or lost. Attacks are evaded, escaped, or survived.

Do you understand that?

Fights... where both combatants are willing participants in the match, and both are trying to win the same "prize," is very different from a situation where you are the victim of a savage attack and must do everything and anything in your power to not be beaten, broken, or killed!

These are two VERY different situations. And therefore, require two very different approaches to training and preparation for the "event."

If you're serious about learning no nonsense self defense techniques that are designed for real-world, street self defense, then you must understand this critical difference!

Because, and this is my point... will only be prepared for what you train for.

So, if you're training to fight in a competition - a rule-laden match - where there are specific things that you can and cannot do...

...and your goal is to be able to survive a street self defense attack...

...then you may find that you are completely unprepared for what you are most definitely going to face at the hands of an attacker who made damned sure that:

He didn't follow any rules

The fight wasn't "fair"

He had the advantage

He was probably going to get away with it!

Never forget that self defense is about surviving a street attack, and should focus on simple, no frills, no nonsense self defense moves - not belts, trophies, or fame and fortune.

At the end of the day, when you've successfully handled an attack, you will realize that your trophy - the only trophy that counts is going home safely, and remaining in the lives of those who love you, and who look to you for safety and protection!

Effective self defense requires more than just a few "karate moves." It involves the ability to think strategically, and understand how to defend yourself with as little wear-and-tear on you as possible.

If you really want to know what most people don't know about how to master self defense and how to survive a real street attack, read my newest self defense book, "Fight Smarter - Not Harder!" It's available free at:

Jeffrey M. Miller is an internationally-known self defense expert. He is the author of the book, The Science of Self-Defense, and several other books, videos, and training courses on no-nonsense self defense techniques.

