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2011年5月31日 星期二

Basic Self Defense Training - Is It REALLY Needed

Ask your friendly neighbor in his "white picket-fenced" yard and a street-smart hoodlum in the "seedier" part of town this one question...

"Is basic self defense training REALLY needed to defend yourself?"

...and you'll probably get the same emphatic "NO!"...but for different reasons.

Your neighbor is probably living in a shell of imagined security where "nothing bad ever happens" while the street thug is relying on bloodied-knuckle experience as his "martial art"...and doesn't feel he needs basic self defense training.

For the average citizen however, the need for basic self defense should be abundantly obvious if you read crime reports or have ever been involved in a violent confrontation. But according to statistics, the majority of us have no real strategies to protect us in an extremely dangerous situation, because we lack basic self defense skills. Learning even the most basic self defense techniques can immediately give you a superior advantage over the majority of the population when it comes to being able to survive a violent attack.

The good news is that most criminals, bullies, and other obnoxious jerks also lack basic self defense training. Sure, they may know a few moves and have a favorite sucker punch in their bag of tricks, but most bad guys count on your vulnerability, not their own ability, to give them the upper hand.

The tactical advantage gained through basic self defense can instantly transform you from vulnerable to formidable. Regardless of physical size, age, or athletic ability, anyone can learn to protect themselves and their loved ones by practicing and internalizing a few simple and basic self defense concepts. In fact, one hour of training is usually sufficient to impart enough knowledge of basic self defense to increase your ability more than 100 percent, as long as you have a qualified and experienced teacher.

A good instructor will systematically and scientifically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each student, and then provide an appropriate mental, physical, and emotional introduction to basic self defense. Once you begin the process of learning, basic self defense becomes an attitude and lifestyle that continues to grow and evolve, as your expertise increases naturally and progressively.

After all, every black belt on earth earned the rank by first acquiring a foundation of basic self defense. Whatever else they may know depends on that fundamental core.

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Jeff Anderson is President of the International Society of Close Quarter Combatants, a member-based organizaton offering REAL self defense training to its members via...

* Real street fight video instruction

* Online "webinar" broadcasts with the world's TOP fighters and instructors on hardcore self defense topics

* Over $250 in bonus training resources

* And MORE!

To learn how the ISCQC's network of over 30 of the world's top fighters and instructors bring you real self defense video training directly to your computer EACH AND EVERY WEEK and interact with other "average citizens" turned "modern day warriors", visit us at

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