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2011年3月8日 星期二

Practice of Kenjutsu

History of Kenjutsu is a military type of art, which was created in Japan in the 15th century. It was primarily designed to prepare the fight on the battlefield samurai, as well as General soldiers.

The emphasis of kenjutsu centers around the practice of swordsmanship. But in some styles practice with other battlefield-related weapons are also an integral part of their curricula. At the simplest level, it can be seen as a collection of combat techniques for different weapons, most notably the sword.More complex level, it may be treated study of strategy both large-scale and small, offensive as defensive.? In learning to fight with a sword, have kenjutsu a more complete curriculum. Kendo of necessity restricts row techniques and targets. Kendoka usually uses shinai, which allows for techniques that do not work with real swords. Kenjutsu practitioners use normally not shinai in education, preferred to use the bokken (wooden sword) or katana (steel swords) in order to preserve the cutting technique real sword fights. Kenjutsu education consists largely of practicing cutting technique and performing partner Kata. For safety reasons, focuses on free-sparring rarely with Bokken or katana.

It was natural that samurais practice everyday with their swords. The sword was their front arms and privilege-the samurai was forbidden to other groups in society carries the sword.

Practice with the sword was also much more than preparing for battle.?Grew an entire philosophy around the Japanese sword. It has many names, as ken, katana, tachi and to.

Kenjutsu history dating back to the late Kamakura period (1192-1333) when the country was embroiled in a series of civil wars without parallel in Japanese history, influence and authority of reigning Ashikaga shogunate moderated and various provincial warlords all fought each other for supremacy and control of Earth. It was in this disorderly environment, growth of military arts blossomed, as developed, the need for well-organized martial disciplines to train and prepare for battle on the battlefields: legions warriors and clan members. Kenjutsu was one of the six ancient martial arts warriors study; the other was archery, jujutsu, artilleriobservation, horsemanship and spearman ship. But in popularity and practicality, kenjutsu (swordsmanship) practitioners out numbered all others, especially with the advent of the Warriors code of ethics, Bushid?. Commercial with examination of swordsmanship continued until late in the century, when unarmed martial arts then became popular.

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Crimson steel Dragon books copy rights 1987

The Lodge Wali Islam, Connecticut, United States

Master Fouad Atoun

USTA is a martial arts school located in Richardson Texas lead by two 5th degree black belt master instructors who teach adults and children Tae kwon, self defence, Kenjutsu and Arnis Jujitsu

