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2011年3月14日 星期一

Realistic answers about martial arts

Since the dawn of time, have physical struggle played a role in almost every culture and civilization throughout the world. Differences in cultures and societies bring many different combat disciplines, commonly referred to as the martial arts, in the front row.

Martial arts has been commonly popularized by action movies featuring martial artists as heroes or villains. Bruce Lee, leading the wave of his films in the West and created a fascination with discipline is perhaps the most popular.

Although there are many practitioners and places to learn it, there is a lot of misinformation on the martial arts. The following questions deals with many of the common misapprehensions regarding it, their purpose, types and how it applies in the real world the fighting situations.

Hopefully, these questions and answers help beginners and people interested in it a more realistic view of what martial arts is about and how they fit into the modern world.

What is the martial arts?

In the loosest sense of the term "martial arts" mainly "military art," so any educational system that prepares the individual to the combat or self-defense is technically martial arts. Typical perception is that such arts fighting styles--like karate or kung fu--, originate from the far East, which can transform the smallest person to a deadly fighting machine.

Although these examples are martial arts, modern them also include: courage, fighting techniques, such as Brazilian jujitsu and even training, police officers receive, on how to use a gun. Many traditional form of this nature are not necessarily prepares a student street fights, as much as the teaching discipline and maintain physical condition.

What is meant by "soft" and "hard" martial arts?

Soft and hard to refer to the style striking and blocking utilized by such an art. A soft redirect style focuses on energy, particularly your opponent's energy to throw or bring them out of balance strike or move in a better position. Soft styles teach students moves that require little energy and is easy to recover or regain balance if they blocked. Examples include aikido and ninjitsu.

Hard fighting styles, on the other hand is centered more on offensive move rather than redirect an opponent energy or weight. The striking techniques in hard styles provide a lot of power and some painful blocks. Hard striking means that a person can be knocked out of balance much easier in comparison with soft styles. A couple of hard fighting styles is karate, tae kwon and muay Thai.

What martial arts styles is best for self-defence in real settings?

Just about any training of this nature will be beneficial in a street fight or confrontation compared to not having it, but some disciplines are designed for actual battle.

Both hard and soft styles can work well for self-defence, but many people feel that hard styles are more efficient, because they teach you strike first and strike hard, while soft styles are more technical and teach you to redirect your opponent's energy. Some styles of it that has Street credit is: juijutsu, karate, muay thai, tae kwon and ninjutsu.

Ground fighting disciplines can also be very effective, especially if you want to neutralize a person without leaving marks or long-term damage. Ground fighting, however, is not a good option if you have to fight more than one person.

The main advantage of learning such an art, if you are in a street fight is that you practice the fighting on a regular basis, and for most people, a street battle is their practice.

If martial arts instructors so experienced why they want to avoid a fight?

Logically, there are several reasons to leave quietly than fight, even if you think you have the upper hand. Unless you work in a controlled situation, never know who you are up against, and how far they are willing to go to win the battle.

People pick a mass Brawl typically attracted to extremes. They believe in General, they're really tough that they have a lot of the battle experience, or that they have picked up some dirty tricks, will always turn the battle in their favour.

This may include the cheap shots, but arms is never out of the question--not to mention their friends could intervene at any time. Even if you "win" a fight, you can end up in court over attack charges, especially if it is known that you practice it.

What is dodeligste martial art?

Realistically, in a real fight, can a person with no fight experience or training kill a person. The human body is fragile and things can easily get out of hand. Many people believe that there is pressure points that can kill or disable a person with a light blow.

While there may be some truth to this, most deaths from the fighting from someone's head hard-hitting concrete or to get stuck. As far as martial arts, suitable for incapacity for work people, fall many of the harsh styles in this category, as do Brazilian jujitsu.

Brazilian jujitsu is a ground fighting technique and will teach you how to lock people into submission holds or choke them out. Muay thai is regarded as one of the most dangerous martial arts because it was designed to be used to fight.

However, several muay thai moves taught not normally and is expelled from use in competitions, because they are moved, if performed correctly, will kill any immediately.

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